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Member Name: Scoobs2
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 Jul 17 2015, 04:54:13 PM

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 Jul 17 2015, 04:31:19 PM

What proof do you have that we are the same person?

 Jul 17 2015, 03:15:46 PM

I guess it would make for an interesting comparison. The characters in The Crucible were called Witches because one crazy little girl liked to spread lies and manipulate the townspeople into thinking witches were among them, despite not having any proof or evidence to back those claims. Cut to present day when Liza's Headband spreads a lie and has everyone on Broadway world wrapped around his/her finger believing the lie, despite not have anything to back those claims. My how times have chang

 Jul 17 2015, 03:00:12 PM

Well this ain't the freakin Cruicible, Goody Phyllis.


EDIT: Oh that's right, they hung those "witches", they didn't burn them.

 Jul 17 2015, 02:55:56 PM

Why is this thread still a thing? I think Zell and I have more proof than we need to support the fact that we aren't the same person. All good witch hunts must come to an end....

Amazing Grace reviews
 Jul 16 2015, 03:40:38 PM

Neon, I don't know much about the show, what is racist about it?

WAITRESS pre-Broadway artwork
 Jul 16 2015, 03:39:27 PM

Dang this is the first time I've ever wanted to eat a  curtain.

Amazing Grace reviews
 Jul 16 2015, 02:57:12 PM

I just hope it doesn't get chewed out. 

Obama is going to the Saturday matinee of
 Jul 16 2015, 10:55:32 AM

I hope Javier goes on. Many people are saying he is better in the role. I can see that. LMM is a great writer but lots of people say he is the weakest out of the leading roles. I feel like LMM is gonna wear himself out. I can't see him  doing the show for a long time. 

 Jul 15 2015, 08:49:31 PM

It's alright I get it. While I'm new to broadway world, I am not new to message boards. So I understand the stigma that comes with being new on them. I have an account on one other broadway site and another on a film site.

Why am I having trouble with my Profile Pic?
 Jul 15 2015, 08:40:59 PM

I uploaded mine today also and it took about an hour for it to actually show up. I'm sure it will load eventually.

 Jul 15 2015, 07:48:39 PM



Well that's your choice I guess.

 Jul 15 2015, 07:12:06 PM

Finding Namo, Thank you. You seem to have sense about this Liza person.

Jane, I don't know if you were talking to me or Kim but I think your parrot is mistaken. At least about me..

 Jul 15 2015, 06:58:04 PM

Actually, that's a good idea. Can the moderators comment on this thread letting everyone know Kim, Zen and I are not the same person? Yeesh. 

 Jul 15 2015, 06:01:36 PM

For someone who is parodying Liza's Headband by Joking with Carlos, Gypsy seems to be just as misguided and foolish as the headband. Parodying only works when you are actually smarter than the person you are parodying..

 Jul 15 2015, 05:15:57 PM

Gypsy, I am not Zell. Him (I'm just guessing he is a man) and I  have never talked to each other directly. But whatever I don't have to prove myself to anyone on here. 

 Jul 15 2015, 05:07:05 PM

, I'm just going to be bold and go out on a limb to throw out the suggestion that this influx of new characters (kim, Zell, Scoobs, etc.)

That's really rude. I think you are just talking to be heard. You don't have anything to back up your mean comments. Carlos Alberta is exactly right, The conspiracy theorists have too much time on their hands. 

I just met Kim yesterday, we certainly aren't the same person and I have never even talked to whoever Zell

Look Up
 Jul 15 2015, 02:20:10 PM

Laura Benanti is just a wonderful person.

Difference between Opera and Musical Theater
 Jul 15 2015, 02:13:17 PM

I've always thought  that with Opera, the voice comes first and everything else second. And with Musical theatre, voice dance and acting are all interwoven into one. 

But that's a good question. 

On 20th Century last night 7/14
 Jul 15 2015, 02:11:03 PM

I'm really sad I will never get to see Kristin's performance in this show. It sounds like she was stunning in every way.

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