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Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
 Feb 19 2010, 06:47:25 PM
That's not what I've heard Momo - just the opposite, in fact, during the 2 years on Bdway and on the road, he's been nothing but fantastic to work with, per his costars in Grease - and quite talented on top of it.
Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
 Feb 19 2010, 03:41:23 AM
I agree with luckydude! Hicks has the vocal chops to pull this off, he's got that experience in the southern blues clubs, he just finished a VERY successful run with Grease both on Broadway and in the touring company and he's got a following - a following that was reported in the summer of '08 of bringing in 150K/wk with people coming to see him. I'd love to see this happen.
re: NY Post Review - Taylor Hicks Ignites Grease!
 Jun 27 2008, 03:52:05 PM
I love the jealousy from those who are still just a blip on the Broadway stage radar!! One day, you might be a big star too if you get some talent!

Soul Patrol!!!!!!!!

re: NY Post Review - Taylor Hicks Ignites Grease!
 Jun 27 2008, 03:18:30 PM
I'm ready! haha!
NY Post Review - Taylor Hicks Ignites Grease!
 Jun 27 2008, 03:15:00 PM
by Michael Reidel

TWO shows that shouldn't be making it - but are - must be given their due today.

First, "Grease" - which vaulted right over the critics to box office glory. It's playing to sold-out houses and is grossing nearly $800,000 a week.

It got a little lift from the Tonys, but its real draw this summer is "American Idol" winner Taylor Hicks, who's playing Teen Angel.

An insider says Hicks is worth at least $150,000 in extra ticket sales a week.
(Make a note of that, Mr. Agent.)

Whenever Hicks whips out his harmonica, the audience goes nuts.
They're having such a blast that the "Grease" megamix at the end of the show - this is where the critics ran screaming from the theater - now runs 10 minutes, with Hicks singing the title song and then playing it on his harmonica.

Meanwhile, the producers of the show are no longer flinching from the critical blows but are starting to have fun with them.

Charles Isherwood recently wrote: "Are the Tonys going to open up the lines so viewers at home can phone in their votes for their favorites? In which case perhaps 'Grease' would have been the year's big winner."

Look for a newspaper ad that will say:

"If the audience had voted, Grease would have been the year's big winner!" - Charles Isherwood, The New York Times.

 Jun 13 2008, 12:28:27 AM
Taylor's "dream", as he has stated many times, is to be able to be a working musician, entertain people and make enough money to raise a family. He said this on his promotional tour for his book, Heart Full of Soul.

Yes, I suspect the publicity and money is one of the reason's he's doing it. In addition to that, accepting this perhaps once in a lifetime opportunity to star on Broadway is something he couldn't possibly turn down. Why would he want to broaden his fan base and expose hims

 Jun 12 2008, 10:57:15 PM
It makes me giddy with pride! Taylor Hicks is living his dream! I'm happy for him!

 Jun 12 2008, 10:48:50 PM
Check out this 10 story Grease ad on 47th street with you-know-who's picture in BIG font - "Starring Taylor Hicks" . Yea, baby!

 Jun 11 2008, 05:25:33 PM
Your comment "leave Broadway for Broadway actors" is odd. Don't be naive. If they were so good, there wouldn't be a need to bring in someone like Taylor to spice up the show. It's all about $$$$$$ and filling seats and yes, he is doing just that. If the cast isn't doing it, then they call someone who CAN.

Don't forget Taylor Hicks is and was a singer and musician long before AI. That was only a vehicle to get his name out there and low and behold he won they entire pie. People

 Jun 11 2008, 04:57:43 PM
Hey, life ain't fair. Taylor was hired because the producers knew he will get people to buy tickets. Period. No one cares about 'people who have been vying for these roles for years.' Taylor was out on that trail himself for 10 years and he deserves EVERY ACCOLADE coming his way for this role. It won't please everyone, and not everyone needs to 'be impressed'. Judging from the fans waiting outside in pooring rain last night for him, I think it's safe to assume there are enough 'impressed' f

 Jun 11 2008, 03:44:07 PM
Nice footage of Taylor's opening night and Planet Hollywood! Awesome!

 Jun 9 2008, 11:59:38 PM
Yep, Christ here we go AGAIN! Chrolls and trolls running rampant!

 Jun 9 2008, 11:23:16 PM
You can say it wasn't pitch perfect until you're blue in the face - it doesn't change the fact that is was perfect. You seem like you're not a Hicks fan - why to you follow him around the internet and make yourself look like an ass?

Check out the song at this blog: and leave a message over there. I'm sure all the Taylor fans would love to hear from a fellow fan

Go Die AI
 Jun 9 2008, 08:47:34 PM
Pardon me? Am I not allowed an opinion with being labeled something? We all have a right to an opinion, and I happen to really like Taylor's music and from what I've heard about his Grease premier, it was absolutely brilliant! For such a small part, his publicity is HUGE! In fact, this 5 min performance got him a solo in the curtain call! hahaha!! Now, that's STAH power!

And antiandrewx, Taylor doesn't need defending. The talent will speak for itself.

re: Good Luck Broadway's newest stuperstar TAYLOR HICKS
 Jun 9 2008, 06:50:35 PM
I heard an audio of Taylor's performance and I thought it was beautiful. It was note for note perfect and he gave a pitch perfect falsetto not once but twice. The crowd absolutely went nuts for him with applause and he was eating it all up. A HUGE success from ALL accounts of those in attendance. The crowds at the stage door were tremendous. Taylor had 2 bodyguards with him. His appearance at Planet Hollywood later on was met with hundreds of press photographers and lots of smiles!!
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