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Taylor Hicks in Memphis?

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#1Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/17/10 at 2:28pm

Maybe they'll get him for the national tour. He'd be right at home, with Hockadoo! sounding just as obnoxious as Soul Patrol!

Do you see it happening? Updated On: 2/17/10 at 02:28 PM

BwayTday Profile Photo
#2Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/17/10 at 2:36pm

Does he have the high tenor to do it? It could work, I guess.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#2Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/17/10 at 2:50pm

Isn't he a bit old for Huey? At least he looks it...

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#3Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/17/10 at 2:53pm

He's only 33, so not too old. In all honesty, I think he'd be great in the role. He's certainly got the voice and movements for it.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#4Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/17/10 at 3:03pm

For the love of god no!!

#5Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/17/10 at 3:25pm

Is there ANYTHING Taylor can't do? He's going to save Broadway single-handedly! I want a statue to him at 7th & Broadway!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#6Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/17/10 at 3:30pm

Taylor Hicks is only 33? I always thought he was in his 40's.

#7Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/17/10 at 5:57pm

I thought, like most of the other American Idol winners, he faded away into obscurity. The only ones you ever hear anything about are the ones who didn't win. The only exception is Kelly Clarkson.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#8Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/17/10 at 6:06pm

I thought, like most of the other American Idol winners, he faded away into obscurity. The only ones you ever hear anything about are the ones who didn't win. The only exception is Kelly Clarkson.

Carrie Underwood certainly hasn't faded into obscurity.

#9Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/17/10 at 6:40pm

Wow, I never realized he was that young... he looks much older, although there is an age limit to American Idol. I personally don't see him in this.

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#10Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/17/10 at 7:13pm

Well he already has the touch of retarded (I mean that as a parody, of course, Sarah) that Kimball adds to the role.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

#11Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/18/10 at 7:49am

Have any of you heard about what he's like to work with?? I don't want to say anything that's already been talked about. :)

#12Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/18/10 at 10:55am

A dream! It's as enjoyable to be working backstage as is is to be seated in the audience.

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#13Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/18/10 at 10:30pm


IAMmyownMUSICAL Profile Photo
#14Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/19/10 at 12:03am

My first reaction when I saw this thread


Now all I see are cute boys with short haircuts in a maze of their own...

#15Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/19/10 at 2:21am

I think Taylor Hicks would be great for this role. He has a quite high tenor. Great voice range. I've read from several that he is great to work with. He has a great love and knowledge of music from that era and in person he looks quite young. He has spent a good deal of time in clubs in the south, I think he could bring some real life experience to the show.
Updated On: 2/19/10 at 02:21 AM

#16Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/19/10 at 3:41am

I agree with luckydude! Hicks has the vocal chops to pull this off, he's got that experience in the southern blues clubs, he just finished a VERY successful run with Grease both on Broadway and in the touring company and he's got a following - a following that was reported in the summer of '08 of bringing in 150K/wk with people coming to see him. I'd love to see this happen.

greensgreens Profile Photo
#17Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/19/10 at 9:37am

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one that thought Chad Kimball came off as a drunk developmentally challenged person (and that's probably an insult to both types of people). This show was so ridiculous and awful I actually fell asleep (something I have NEVER done before) during the most important part of the show (I seem to remember someone with a gun and I woke up to everyone storming the edge of the stage in gold lamé suits)...

I can't imagine ANYONE doing a disservice to "the material". If he has a fan base, they might as well bring him in, it's not like he can do anything but improve the show. Actually, I can't think of anyone who could do any more harm. But, now that I've said it, I'm sure someone will find a way to prove me wrong.

#18Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/19/10 at 12:18pm

haha greens if its really that bad maybe I would change my mind. I'm not that familiar with the show but thought the time period and the story line sounded perfect for T. H. I'd really enjoy seeing Taylor try that kind of a part.
I'm sure he would make it better but perhaps it can't be redeemed. I'd be interested what others think about the show itself.

greensgreens Profile Photo
#19Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/19/10 at 1:23pm

Basically, this show was a poor man's Hairspray with elements of Dreamgirls thrown in. Only it didn't have any likeable or relatable characters, songs that were worth remembering, comedy (it only had some that was totally unintentional) or theatrical merit. The only thing I remember in a mildly good way is the set (specifically where the upper half of the set, with lighting effects, became a record).

It made The Addams Family (as it was in Chicago) - even under the most harsh scrutiny - look like Ibsen.

Sorry if I'm ragging on this show, but I am absolutely livid that I wasted an afternoon during my short trip on this dreck. Even with 50% off and just going on a whim - not expecting anything fantastic in the first place - I felt incredibly ripped off.

Michelle616 Profile Photo
#20Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/19/10 at 1:44pm

I kind of think this would work? I've never been a huge fan of Taylor Hicks, and I'm not a huge fan of Memphis, but if there was ever a part he was right for, this is it.

#21Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/19/10 at 2:33pm

A friend of mine does hair at one of the theatres the tour came to. He said the EGO was unbelievable...not a very nice guy. Taylor Hicks in Memphis?

#22Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/19/10 at 6:47pm

That's not what I've heard Momo - just the opposite, in fact, during the 2 years on Bdway and on the road, he's been nothing but fantastic to work with, per his costars in Grease - and quite talented on top of it.

#23Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/20/10 at 4:05am

You are right sweetsmoke, I have read what many of the people in Grease have written about him in their blogs. I especially remember one of them talking about how he was just a regular guy and was always making them laugh. Got them tickets to something they wanted to go to. And the people that work in the theater, ushers, and others have had nice things to say. Everybody has a bad day once in awhile but all in all I have always heard good things.
I was reading about the play and its such a good story line, they should be able to do something with it. You would think they would use some of the music that was actually being played in the clubs at that time. Who knows?

#24Taylor Hicks in Memphis?
Posted: 2/20/10 at 6:09am

well, that's good...I hope I'm wrong!!
