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Member Name: More Cowbell
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re: Broadway in Bryant Park
 Jul 14 2005, 11:59:11 PM
Juliet, thanks for the pictures! The Boyz look adorable. I'm so pissed I wasn't there... serves me right for listening to the weatherman.
re: John Hill's Whiskers on Kittens
 Jul 12 2005, 10:07:34 PM
WBA Foster, I'm pretty sure he's one of those straight guys that likes to pretend he's gay.
re: Glenn Close and Ewan McGregor in Sunset Blvd!
 Jul 9 2005, 11:56:01 PM
Ewan = better actor. Hugh = better singer. While they're both great, I'm a diehard Ewan fan and would LOVE to see him in this. I also agree he'd be a better box office draw - he has an almost cult-like following. Not to mention I think he's (a bit) better looking than Hugh.
Altar Boyz question
 Jul 1 2005, 03:35:56 PM
What's the last day to see the show with the original cast? It seems like many of the boys are leaving for new projects.
re: Arden in Twyla/Dylan Project
 Jul 1 2005, 03:27:14 PM
According to Adam Flemming, there was a really tough dance audition for everyone in BARE, which Michael starred in. So it's likely he could dance.
re: Swimming in the Shallows
 Jun 24 2005, 10:04:11 PM
Do you guys think it's better to go during previews or during the actual run? I have the opportunity to see it this weekend, but I can also see it next week when it "officially" opens. Does it not matter either way?
re: Swimming in the Shallows
 Jun 24 2005, 11:47:36 AM
fakeblue, Logan looks GORGEOUS in that second picture!

I can't wait to see this play... I love Logan and I totally worship Michael Arden.

re: Swimming in the Shallows
 Jun 24 2005, 12:42:12 AM
Logan Marshall-Green in a speedo? Damn. I am SO there.
re: John Hill's website
 Jun 22 2005, 08:38:49 AM
On his journal he called her his "love partner"
re: Altar Boyz rush
 Jun 22 2005, 08:37:38 AM
I'm going to see it tomorrow! I can't wait!
John Hill's website
 Jun 21 2005, 11:47:55 PM
Has anyone checked out the "Johnny & Kooks" videos on John Hill's website? They're CRAZY. In one of the videos he and Kooks (is she his girlfriend?) start humping eachother and showing different mating positions. They have like a whole series of different "episodes". Haha. He's so nuts. I miss John... so glad I got to see him in Bare and Hairspray, though.
re: CCM-musical theater
 Jun 17 2005, 08:44:32 PM
A very good friend of mine be a rising junior there this year... she's AMAZINGLY talented and she says the place is full of people who live and breathe musical theatre. Also, in response to what WayWicked said, my friend is not that skinny (I'd say a little on the chubby side) and still got in.
CHRIS NOTH and RANDY HARRISON both performing at this summer's Berkshire Theatre Festival
 Jun 14 2005, 04:43:09 PM
Chris is playing Teach in American Buffalo, and Randy is playing Alan in Equus.

 Feb 25 2005, 10:45:44 PM
I made an ass out of myself in front of Michael Arden and Jenna Leigh Green at the Bryant Park concert last summer... me and my friend were running towards them and I tripped down some steps like two feet away from them. It was mortifying. And then I felt even worse because I wanted to take a picture with Jenna (I already took one with Michael) but I didn't want to interrupt her conversation with Michael or anything, so the whole situation was awkward. Michael ended up taking a picture of me and
re: Ryan Cabrera in RENT for the next Mark
 Feb 24 2005, 03:00:42 PM
I think he's talented... so, why not? *shrug*
re: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels... Rush/SRO?
 Feb 23 2005, 01:35:05 AM
What time do they start selling the student rush tickets? An hour before the show starts?
re: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels... Rush/SRO?
 Feb 23 2005, 12:31:30 AM
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels... Rush/SRO?
 Feb 23 2005, 12:27:52 AM
Does anyone know if there's any Rush/SRO for Dirty Rotten Scoundrels yet? Or do I have to wait until after opening night? I'm DYING to see this...
Sweet Charity... help please!
 Feb 4 2005, 11:40:06 PM
I have an audition for a local theater production of Sweet Charity on Tuesday, but I really don't know much about the show. Can anyone tell me a little bit about the plot and character personalities (or point me in the direction of some good links)?

Thanks so much!

re: Micahel Arden/Damon Intrabartolo Bare Composer Update
 Jan 25 2005, 11:00:26 PM

How much longer???

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