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re: Joanna Pacitti on Idol
 Feb 4 2009, 10:22:52 PM
I looked for her too, but i felt like i saw a zillion girls with long brown hair lol. and the rest...i guess we'll find out, but they knew what they were getting with her from the beginning im thanks.
re: Joanna Pacitti on Idol
 Feb 4 2009, 10:16:23 PM
thank you jordan. thats the wholen reason i thought she might be gone...not one mention of her. they seem to focus on a handful that are noteable in some way, and i really thought she'd be one of them...odd. i guess with no mention either night, we just assume shes moving on to next week?
re: Joanna Pacitti on Idol
 Feb 4 2009, 09:16:12 PM
<<<< Do you not have a TV? >>>>

yes Mr charleston. I have a tv. several actually. i missed the show yesterday, and could not seem to find her on the group show tonight, and either missed highlights of her from yesterdays show, or there wasnt any, which is why I asked a simple question. either references to her were brief, or the other posters and I all missed her.

re: Joanna Pacitti on Idol
 Feb 4 2009, 08:43:54 PM
is she still on American Idol?
re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
 Jan 20 2009, 12:15:16 PM
good question. wonder if they'll be ringing up Bailey?? I've actually been wondering why they chose LBB over bringing Bailey into the mix....i know that might sound odd, but wouldnt Bailey be a bigger draw out on the road as she's prob more well known and popular due to the reality show??
re: The Search for Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 22 2008, 12:02:10 AM
i think it ended up being bailey herself that summed up why she won....she didnt really have to act to become sorority girl elle...she IS (literally) sorority girl elle. tonight, if there was any doubt, it was clear who NOT was the best singer, but who was the best elle woods. cant wait to see the show with the new leading lady. what an overall fun episode to watch. every audtion number was great (both girls) the emotions were there and the ending with the other girls was sweet. what a fun
re: The Search for Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 21 2008, 10:46:09 PM
i so appreciate autumns talent, but tonight, Bailey just LIT up the stage. shes bubbly, shes naturally energetic and when on stage, i just couldnt take my eyes off of her. so far, tonight, she IS elle woods on that stage.
re: The Search for Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 21 2008, 02:32:26 PM
thank you ujcdude....i so agree. my daughter and i will go back and see the show this summer and am sure we'll enjoy it just as much as we did LAST summer with LBB and crew that we also enjoyed a ton (shes 20 and im far from a little girl lol). i'd so love to see bailey in the show as we find her so fun to watch and the most like the 'elle/reese' that we came to love in the movie. if its autumn, we'll enjoy her too im sure....we're just NO where near as critical as some on this board. we ju
re: The Search for the Next Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 16 2008, 02:39:06 PM
Bailey's performances reminds me of Reese Whitherspoon in the movie. That was the basis for the show, right? I just find her fun to watch all around.

re: The Search for the Next Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 15 2008, 12:08:25 AM
regarding any of them being 'winded' and out of breath...didnt they tape this..when...back in March? so wouldnt there be plenty of time to address that and get in shape by july?
re: The Search for the Next Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 10 2008, 10:24:59 PM
I'm from the same city in Michigan as Lauren, and my good friend and her daughter (who also watch the show) is certain she saw Lauren this afternoon shopping right here in town. The shopping area is a newish outdoor mall that everyone in the area frequents, so her being there would not be unusual at all. I didnt see her myself, but my friend was pretty certain it was her. Not sure what to make of it, but I'm new to the board and I just wanted to throw it out there with the rest of the specul
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