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Profile for Coondiggitydogg

Member Name: Coondiggitydogg
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 Aug 16 2005, 10:25:21 AM
It is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! heart wrenching. the music is awesome. I personally think it's better than Last 5 Years. As long as the cast is strong, the emotions will pound. I Don't think you want a synopsis, or info on the songs it makes for a better show.
re: Help Rent!
 Jul 23 2005, 11:26:11 PM
soooo how do u get to be one of those that could get the 25 dollar tickets cause i sure as hell know i do not have a grand
re: RENT Movie Site updates
 Jul 9 2005, 04:54:29 PM
does the trailer give u chills everytime u watch it or is it just me???
re: GREAT songs from FLOP musicals?
 Jun 26 2005, 12:02:24 AM
if little women is a flop which i would guess it is-"somethings are meant to be"
BIG-"stars" well i like it
the most recent 1776 revival did not do well but "Molasses to rum to slave" is a great song and especially when u have gregg edleman singing it.

this year's tony clips
 Jun 25 2005, 01:02:35 PM
are their any clips of the performances from this years Tony's I was traveling that sunday and have been googling and searchign all over. Does ne one have ne ideas or a tape of the telecast??
tony awards clips
 Jun 7 2005, 10:44:49 PM
I MISSED THE TONY'S AND I NEED TO SEE THE CLIPS. is there anywhere i can get them. I was out of the country.
re: sutton foster eligible???
 May 18 2005, 07:38:40 PM
After seeing the show i think she should win. She does a lot with her part, but the fact that the show is closing before the actual tony's and since Light in the Piazza has gotten a lot of press and more nominations, it is looking slim.
re: If you were on Idol, what would you sing?
 Apr 5 2005, 11:47:13 PM
Real Life - tick, tick boom - awesome song
G-d on high - it might work for a ballad
I'll Cover you reprise- minus chorus, I think that would def be a crowd pleaser

re: Scott's 'Impossible Dream'
 Apr 5 2005, 11:43:59 PM
Yeah all i can say is the performance, song, sound, and look was FLAT. terrible arangement too
re: musical theater/colleges
 Apr 3 2005, 12:27:09 PM
At northwestern (just accepted YAY) you can double major between the school of music and the the other 3 schools. AFter your first year in the school of music you can have the oppotunity to audition for the musical theatre certificate. IT'S AWESOME. it is 5 years but still. Jenny Powers, Gregg Edelman, current fiyero, they have all gone through it. Many more too. check out some playbills as proof

I personally will be double majoring in either Music and Poli sci at Northwestern or MT an

 Apr 2 2005, 12:05:32 AM
and win the tony don't forget that my fair lady
 Apr 1 2005, 03:11:19 PM
WOW. D-E-F-E-N-S-I-V-E. but yeah amy was bit much. I like the caps they add some pizaz. I honestly think that sutton does have backing while not as much as Vicotoria Clark. But her performance is not amazing because the rest of the show sucks, it is because SHE IS AMAZING! see if i were to say it i would have punctuated those last words thats how caps works.

and im not telling you what to say. a "how dare you" is more i can't believe u have the balls to say that comment, not a you can

 Mar 31 2005, 06:47:54 PM
She rocked the show, that is all I'm saying. And i prefer Jenny Powers ( Go CATS!!! just got accepted) over sutton. MUCH HOTTER. But Sutton shimmers in this show. I found her to be really wonderful. and to TGIF. HOW DARE U SAY THAT THE CAST SUCKS> that is a great cast minus the men. I did not like their performances. MEghan Mcginnis has a great voice and wonderful knack on stage. Maureen mcgovern is TREMENDOUS ALL AROUND. THe show comes alive in the 2nd act and so do the rest of the actors minus
K Ohara
 Mar 31 2005, 02:58:02 PM
Perfection????? where is her character from?? i could have sworn that she was a MUTT by her accent. U must have seen a bad night with sutton cause she was completely on. There was nothing pushed, or reached. it was like BUTTAH
 Mar 31 2005, 12:56:16 AM
I can see where you are going with that. I do agree that there is something contrived within the feeling. I don't think the operetta part is played up that much. I think the otehr girls do get caught in the feeling of the play and are there fore affected but i really found Sutton truelly natural, sincere, and complete in this piece.

I really don't want to take away from Clark, she is great and the show is great but i just feel that Sutton outshines her on stage.

 Mar 31 2005, 12:38:48 AM
did u honestly like the song or did u like sutton doing the song. I think that sutton did an amazing job and that is why i like the song. In general the song is mediocre
 Mar 31 2005, 12:37:12 AM
I loved how she took to being the tomboy. She was soo goofy, and awkward in a REALLY REALLY GOOD WAY. She makes Jo March. When her family is in danger or of importance she makes it the most important thing. She really does a fantabulous job. I think she actually has a lot to work with in this show. The story overall sucks but her part is written for a all around actress, and she comands the stage while having fun.
re: someone else
 Mar 31 2005, 12:34:32 AM
plus christina just doesnt have it compared to Sutton. second place Clark, third Sherrie. Though i have not seen Sweet Charity, but i doubt that her portrayal will be above those three. I do liek applegate and her acting. She is very funny and im excited to see her do her stuff on stage.

SHE prob is the most attractive out of the 4 though

 Mar 31 2005, 12:31:50 AM
I think that emotion wise sutton had more to work with. The script has it's humor and its serious points. I think that because of that the emotional spectrum for Sutton is fuller. I am not saying Victoria Clark is a bad actress by any means but i feel her portrayal had holes in it. I agree with the accents, they were off the target. I think she has a charming beautiful voice. For me Sutton just POPPED. SHE sparkled, and dazzled, and lived out Jo March I don't think Clark did that.
 Mar 31 2005, 12:24:04 AM
Ur right my bad. But umm ARE THERE NE OTHERS???? Eden might be lucky to get a nom. it would be for her singing, cause we know there is nothing there with the acting. Ramirez is featured. Dilly-IDK haven't seen but i think that is featured too, and no where near the level of SUTTON.

Effortless is better then "ASTONISHING" i'm sry but am i the only one with a huge problem with that song??

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