
SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!

SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!

#0SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 7:57am

When was the last time an unestablished star of a Broadway show convinced her producers, let alone the WEISSLERS, to put their show back on when everyone wanted to pull out??


Give the girl her Tony now!!

harris007 Profile Photo
#1re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 8:12am

Damn right that she did, she turned down alot of high profile stuff, to do this show. hell she said no to doing the new version of charlie&the chocolate factory to do this.

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

OtherDaryl Profile Photo
#2re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 9:02am

I haven't heard so much quacking about a Tony for somebody who hasen't yet opened on Broadway since Debbie Reynolds got her nomination for Irene.

"Love Life. Live." Michael Bennett

Feathah Profile Photo
#3re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 9:16am

Okay I am EXTREMELY excited and thrilled that Charity is back on. And I love Christina but all this talk about a Tony is a tad premature, no?

"The theater is my life. I live it. I breathe it. I fondle it till it falls asleep." Jack (Will And Grace) http://feathah.blogspot.com

Marquise Profile Photo
#4re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 9:31am

Barry Weissler says:

"This young woman is a movie star," he told The News. "She gave up her films, her home and her husband, who is in California. Her plea was such that it got me emotionally. Her life is this show. I couldn't take it away from her."

Real life translation:

"I am a MOVIE STAR DAMNIT!" I gave up my FILMS, MY HOME AND MY HUSBAND not to mention I've busted my @ss. This has been my lifelong dream and if you don't open this friggin' show NOW I will sue you for EVERY LAST DIME YOU HAVE!!!!"

:: Barry gets emotional and runs off in a heep of sobs::

Updated On: 3/30/05 at 09:31 AM

Glebb Profile Photo
#5re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 9:34am

She's very weak in all areas and the show is bad.
What a mess.

" ...the happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not afraid."

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#6re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:42am

She probably put some of her own money into the show.

And I doubt that her will and gutso are going to have anything with her getting a tony, or even a nomination.

It seems that this revival is doomed. Changing the show/choreography of something that is basically perfect. Ugh.
Updated On: 3/30/05 at 10:42 AM

#7re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:48am

I think it's very possible she will get a nomination, even if its just because of the buzz that Sweet Charity has created. But a win.... I'm leaning towards no

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#8re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 10:52am

It's not even positive buzz. By all accounts, she is mediocre at best. Since it is a weak year for women, maybe she'll get a nom, but I'd hope that Victoria Clark has it in the bag.

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#9re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:02am

She'll get a nomination if she's lucky. There is better talent in this season's shows that can/will beat Christina if she's nominated. She was entertaining as Charity, but I don't think tony worthy. But what is considered "Tony worthy" these days.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

Matt_G Profile Photo
#10re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:13am

Exactly. Yes, it's been a long time since something like this has happened to a show but does that mean that these people should automaticaly receive a Tony? Absolutely not. I'm still not convinced this isn't some scheme to sell more tickets. Christina was "okay". The show was "okay". I can't see this winning anything in June.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

#11re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:34am

"She probably put some of her own money into the show."

ACK! She MUST be a newcomer then-- everyone knows NEVER PUT YOUR OWN MONEY IN THE SHOW! That's Taboo.....Get it?

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#12re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:41am

You guys are underestimating the power of Broadway to buy into a good story. The theatre community was looking for a Cinderella story come true with Charlotte D'Amboise. They are going to get it with Christina Applegate.

The Tonys, like The Oscars have NOTHING to do with talent, or the best in anything. It is all about politics.

SWEET CHARITY is by no means a sure bet, but I have a feeling Weissler, Applegate and team have a few more surprises up their sleeves before this whole thing is over.

IF (and its still a big IF)-- they are able to pull this off. And IF Applegate manages to score big in the New York Times -- The Tony is hers. Case closed.

karlean7 Profile Photo
#13re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:41am

"ACK! She MUST be a newcomer then-- everyone knows NEVER PUT YOUR OWN MONEY IN THE SHOW! That's Taboo.....Get it? "

Words cannot express how much I hate that f*cking quote.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#14re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:53am

Why can't people be supportive instead of always knocking the show, and some knock it without even seeing it!
Updated On: 3/30/05 at 11:53 AM

karlean7 Profile Photo
#15re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 12:02pm

"Why can't people be supportive instead of always knocking the show, and some knock it without even seeing it!

I rather have Sweet Charity on Broadway than trash like Brooklyn, and Good Vibrations!"

Is anyone else laughing uncontrollably at the irony?

Not that I don't feel comfortable saying that Brooklyn and Good Vibrations are...not for me, but there's an inherent contradiction going on here. Updated On: 3/30/05 at 12:02 PM

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#16re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 12:03pm

"The Tonys, like The Oscars have NOTHING to do with talent, or the best in anything. It is all about politics."
This statement is what we call hyperbole, which is a high-fangled way to say that it is quite an exaggeration. True, there have been numerous occasions when Oscars and Tony awards have been about popularity or sentiment or polictics, but there are plenty of extremely deserving Oscar and Tony winners out there. As for Sweet Charity, though a number of you who've posted in this thread make it sound like crap, I've been following the out of town postings at bww.com and most have been extremely positive, both about the show and about Miss Applegate. True there have been reservations expressed, but not the way a few of you posting above would make out. I don't think Christina will win a Tony for this, but a nomination? After she breaks a bone in her foot and not only recovers but returns to the show and brings it back from the dead? I won't be surprised if it happens. And Marquise, I have imagined the phone conversation EXACTLY as you've described it. Brilliant!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#17re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 12:05pm

.... Updated On: 3/30/05 at 12:05 PM

Demitri2 Profile Photo
#18re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 1:00pm

Couldn't agree with you more eslgr8 in regards to Tony and politics. Just consider the mere fact that the score to "The Producers" took home a Tony that year over "The Full Monty". At least Yazbek's score has some interesting moments. I have never gotten through the whole CD of "The Producers" and after first hearing it, then seeing the show...have never played it again. How about Elton John's win for "Aida" that year for best musical score, yet the show itself never even was nominated in the Best Musical category. Yes, I love seeing the show every year for the musical numbers but the Tony award has become a joke to me.

#19re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 1:06pm

I want to see what happens after the buzz cools down and Sweet Charity isn't the hot topic it is now.

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#20re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 1:14pm

I highly doubt they'll give the Tony to Applegate. You can't do things on stage that you can do on film. You have to be damn good every single time you step on that stage. You can't just pick and choose the best takes. From what I've heard, neither Christina's vocal or dancing chops are up to the task, but who knows, she may improve while she's recovering. If I were her I'd take this time to work on my voice. She can't really dance, but she can take some voice lessons.

If Christina is amazing, then I could see her winning. As of now, her reviews haven't been glowing, and Victoria Clark has been earning this award for years. Unless Christina really pulls this out of her ass, Victoria's got it this year. And you never know if they'll go with Sutton, though I doubt it.

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

#21re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 1:48pm

"The Tonys, like The Oscars have NOTHING to do with talent, or the best in anything. It is all about politics."

I hate to break your idealistic little bubble, but the Oscars are no different.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#22re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 2:00pm

Chas -- Thats what I said -- I am comparing the Tonys to the Oscars...

Thenardier Profile Photo
#23re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 2:15pm

Giving (her) what (she) wants
An adventure on their own
Like their in a movie


Dolly_Levi Profile Photo
#24re: SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS - Give Christina her Tony!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 3:24pm

I will not make my decisions about TONY Award nominations until AFTER the shows have opened. Hello, a lot can happen during previews, as we have already seen. Let the artists rehearse and explore and after the OPENING NIGHT, discuss away...

I feel that way about Charity, Piazza, etc. Nobody has anything in the bag, awards-wise.

Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward. Carol Channing
