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Member Name: macnyc
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MCC's 'SH!T. MEET. FAN.' Cast Announced
 Nov 1 2024, 12:37:03 PM

"SH!T. MEET. FAN." is the type of show you enjoy while you're seeing it. But when it's over, you think, "What the heck was that?"

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I didn't know what to make of the twist at the end. Does it mean they didn't really play the game, and all their relationships are intact? What about t

ShowScore format change
 Oct 5 2024, 12:48:01 PM

The newest Show Score descent into crapdom is that two shows I scored recently are no longer visible on my profile. So many things are broken on the site now, it's sad!


OH, MARY! Reviews
 Sep 20 2024, 09:10:30 AM

n2nbaby said: Lots of dates for the extension on TDF Passport.

How can one apply for TDF Passport? They get all the great deals. Are you a student?

ShowScore format change
 Sep 18 2024, 09:06:42 PM

So the Mezzanine app is only for iPhone? There's no web-based version? So everything has to be typed into your phone? That seems unwieldy to me, but maybe I'll just download it and try it.


ShowScore format change
 Sep 18 2024, 12:04:37 PM

I contacted Show Score after I saw that a show I reviewed on Sunday was not appearing on my profile page. That has been fixed, and I can see it now. But like everyone else, I can no longer edit my reviews, and my old reviews have been changed over to the new format and gussied up with cheap looking emojis.

According to Marika, Senior Customer Experience Representative (, we will be able to edit our reviews at some point, accessible through our profiles

The Official TDF Thread
 Aug 24 2024, 11:13:38 AM

For Once Upon a Mattress Wednesday night, my friend and I got Dress Circle Row C, seats 1 and 3. Great view, and we both loved the show. Daniel Breaker's understudy went on for him.

I noticed that Safety Not Guaranteed at BAM Harvey is up for a few dates at a great price. 

Jester Understudy?
 Aug 22 2024, 01:07:03 PM

I also saw understudy Michael Olaribigbe last night, and I thought he did great. I noticed him holding a couple of pages of the script during one scene only, and held his own in his big dance number.

My friend and I loved the show and thought it was hilarious from start to finish. 

THE HILLS OF CALIFORNIA by Jez Butterworth to open at the Broadhurst this fall
 Jul 30 2024, 05:14:11 PM

Calling all TDF members! I just saw some special "Passport" performances for The Hills of California for only $20 plus fees! I have never heard of Passport and I'm not sure what it is. I already bought my ticket (for $80) but would have certainly grabbed one of these. All performances are on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. 

EDITED TO ADD: The page seems to be gone. Researching further, the TDF Passport program is for members of certain community groups, such as CUNY. So I&#

STEREOPHONIC Original Broadway Cast Recording Thread
 May 11 2024, 10:23:23 AM

When I was watching the show, I was disappointed that the musical numbers were few and far between. I think the play would have benefited from some subtle cuts off its three-hours-plus running time and had a few more of Butler's tunes inserted.

For those of you who have listened to the album, is there a reason the songs were not included? Maybe they didn't fit into the narrative?

Another question: For the Best Score Tony, does the committee just judge the music that is i

FORBIDDEN BROADWAY Coming to Broadway This Summer?
 Apr 26 2024, 07:14:03 PM

I’m so sorry to hear Forbidden Broadway won’t be going on as scheduled. Does that mean the Hayes will be vacant? It seems to me that the Hayes would have been perfect for Oh, Mary!, a much better match than the Lyceum. 

The Official TDF Thread
 Apr 12 2024, 04:56:51 PM

I had a TDF ticket for Appropriate for the matinee on Wednesday, and my seat was in Row F of the mezzanine. The view was fine but obviously not that close to the stage. And leg room is not good up there. Still, I loved the show.

Cole Escola is Mary Todd Lincoln in OH, MARY! Off-Broadway
 Feb 21 2024, 11:59:37 AM

Has anyone found the $59 seats that are supposed to be available for every performance in the extension, according to the email?

Edited to add: Apparently the $59 tickets are all sold out, but there's the TodayTix rush and also an in-person rush at the Lortel.


Show-Score Discontinuing Member Nights
 Feb 2 2024, 09:29:44 AM

Thanks for this info, Melissa25. Like you, I used Show-Score as my online theater scrapbook. I wonder if there's any way to download it. I'll email to ask (if there's anyone still there). 

I wondered about Hell's Kitchen also, and I emailed about that. The Show-Score person said that they made the decision to just have one listing for Hell's Kitchen, encompassing both the Off Broadway and Broadway productions. I thought that was odd, but didn't pursue i

Show-Score Discontinuing Member Nights
 Feb 1 2024, 07:50:39 PM

I'm very sorry about the Show-Score. (For some reason, I haven't gotten an email.) So many of the shows I've been have in the past couple of years been courtesy of the site, and I paid for the $10.99 access. That was a great value, and I'll really miss it.

Please delete
 Feb 1 2024, 05:43:34 PM

I didn't realize a thread on the topic already existed. Please delete. Thank you!

Sondheim/Ives HERE WE ARE @ The Shed
 Oct 21 2023, 11:30:08 AM

Saw the show last night from GG203 (on the side). Wonderful view. Would not hesitate to sit there again.

Everyone was in, including Denis O'Hare. He got the biggest laughs of the evening.

I think I spotted Charles Isherwood going in.

I am puzzled by people saying that a song was added at the end. I listened hard but didn't hear any singing. I believe there was underscoring.

For anyone thinking of waiting to see this on Broadway, I would sugg

NY City Center Encores 2024 season: ONCE UPON A MATTRESS with Sutton Foster (adapted by Amy Sherman-Palladino), JELLY'S LAST JAM, and TITANIC
 Oct 17 2023, 01:33:26 PM

Tickets are on sale now for the general public. I'm in the waiting room.

Roundabout retires Access10 discount tickets
 Oct 2 2023, 05:39:22 PM

I haven't seen this announced or discussed anywhere. Apologies if I missed it! Roundabout has retired the Access10 program. I am sad because I was able to see quite a few shows over the years for $10. I guess Roundabout wants to explore different ways of reaching audiences. 

It's curtains for Access10

Sondheim's Final Musical HERE WE ARE will premiere at The Shed this fall (No, really!)
 Sep 13 2023, 12:16:21 PM

I think people wanting to buy now are put off by the prices.

Sondheim's Final Musical HERE WE ARE will premiere at The Shed this fall (No, really!)
 Jul 23 2023, 10:43:59 AM

Regarding the set or lack thereof, I recall that Straight Line Crazy had a nice set consisting of Robert Moses' office and working space for staff. I don't remember if other setting were shown. Although it didn't feel bare bones, it definitely wasn't elaborate.

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