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Member Name: J'aime GG
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Deathtrap w/Groff opens in London tonight.
 Aug 21 2010, 12:53:11 PM
Break a leg, Gorgeous!
Favortie line from any Broadway Show
 Jul 7 2010, 09:11:03 PM
"Congratulations! A Mexican!" -Boeing-Boeing
Grey Gardens...late to the party
 Jun 18 2010, 05:55:36 PM
Oh Grey Gardens, nearly three years gone and I still miss it like hell.
Actors that deserved Tonys and weren't even nominated
 Jun 15 2010, 08:35:34 PM
Kristin Scott Thomas- The Seagull
Michele Obama AT Memphis Today
 Mar 22 2010, 11:48:42 AM
Every time the Obamas go to Broadway, the terrorists win.
Sutton Foster in Concert unscheduled stop
 Feb 4 2010, 07:10:50 PM
Yowza, that was like an American Idol audition outtake.
Cleverest Lyrics?
 Feb 1 2010, 08:15:19 PM
In view of her penchant
For something romantic,
De Sade is to trenchant
And Dickens too frantic,
And Stendhal would ruin
The plan of attack,
As there isn't much blue in 'The Red and the Black.'

De Maupassant's candour
Would cause her dismay,
The Brontes are grander
But not very gay,
Her taste is much blander,
I'm sorry to say,
But is Hans Christian Andersen ever risque?
Which eliminates A...

Cleverest Lyrics?
 Feb 1 2010, 05:41:15 PM
It's fop...
Finest in the shop...
And we have some shepherds pie peppered
With actual shepherd on top...

Stay away from
Jazz and liquor
And the men who
Play for fun
That's the thought that
Came upon me
When we both reached for the gun!

Guess what, an invitation
Guess who, begins with an A
Armfeldt, is that a relation
To the decrepit Desiree?.

she's monstrous!
She's frightened
Unversed. She'd strike

re: Side by Side by Susan Blackwell
 Jan 14 2010, 09:31:21 PM
Gavin Creel's Arnie Grape made up for Kelli O'Hara's Cher.
Patti LuPone: a Memoir
 Jan 11 2010, 09:04:45 AM
"They gave me a lot of excuses, but, as I said to them, I want my old PIN because it is in honor of my dead cat."

Holy Lord, we're in for a treat.

re: What Do You Think Of The 1990 Lincoln Center Production of A Little Nig
 Dec 20 2009, 08:04:00 PM
The Lincoln Center revival was the gold standard. Perfectly designed and orchestrated with a brilliant cast. My only quibble would be the aforementioned implausibility of Sally Ann Howes being Ferland's mother, but that is more than made up for with George Lee Andrews, the perfectly droll Regina Resnick, and the yummy Kevin Anderson.

Does anyone know how long it ran?

re: Footage of NIGHT MUSIC/CZJ singing Send in the Clowns
 Dec 10 2009, 03:17:53 AM
"People who can't afford to buy tickets, like to convince themselves it's not worth it instead."

Right. Nice assumptions on my finances there stranger.

re: Footage of NIGHT MUSIC/CZJ singing Send in the Clowns
 Dec 10 2009, 12:29:47 AM
I can't reconcile paying $150 to watch CZJ overact in claustrophobic sets, and to listen to Sondheim's gorgeous score reduced to a piano and a fiddle.
re: Songs in the theme of winter?
 Dec 7 2009, 07:28:52 AM
"We Need A Little Christmas" from Mame.
re: New NINE poster
 Nov 23 2009, 11:36:16 PM
I don't get the tagline. This holiday, be Italian (or Spanish, American, French, Australian, and Irish). Gorgeous poster otherwise though.

re: That photo of Martha Plimpton from a recent opening
 Oct 10 2009, 06:01:59 AM
C'mon, they're perky enough.
re: Sherie Rene Scott as you have NEVER seen her before...
 Sep 5 2009, 08:49:10 PM
"I hate music; I think it's the worst. I hate music, and you heard it first." Watch out Sondheim.
re: Raul Esparza records King's UNDER THE DONE... on 30 CDs!
 Sep 1 2009, 11:03:48 AM
Ugh. I'm conflicted. Long Stephen King novels are either transcendent (THE STAND) or literary waterboarding (IT). I'll have to check the reviews and get the paperback when available.
re: BYE BYE BIRDIE footage
 Aug 28 2009, 06:32:05 AM
I still can't get over how much Matt Doyle looks like Juno.
re: John Cudia gives backstage tour at PHANTOM OF THE OPERA
 Aug 23 2009, 04:55:52 AM
Ryan Silverman's a mothereffin' doll.
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