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Profile for razzledazzle2

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Member Name: razzledazzle2
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re: Idina's leaving date (please don't kill me)
 Sep 16 2004, 09:24:21 AM
when is kristin leaving? i knew a while ago, but have since forgotten.
re: FIDDLER ON THE ROOF revival (whats YOUR opinion??)
 Aug 12 2004, 09:36:28 AM
I didn't get a chance to see it on broadway, but it is my favorite. I did it in high school, and as everyone has said it is definitely hard to screw up. i do agree that little shop was fantastic, i saw that last month, and my expectations were not that high, but completely blown away!
re: Finding a character
 Aug 11 2004, 11:14:15 PM
y'all have some great pointers. i'm taking an acting class this semester at school and i will definitely try to keep those in mind. making the character seem more realistic is fantastic!

ive been in plays and productions before and tried the usual method for memorizing lines. any suggestions for faster ways?

re: you know you're obsessed with *BROADWAY* musicals when...
 Aug 11 2004, 11:09:12 PM
or when you vacation in maine in the middle of nowhere surrounded by canadians and all you can think of is the song my girlfriend, who lives in canada from avenue q
re: you know you're obsessed with *BROADWAY* musicals when...
 Aug 11 2004, 08:45:54 PM
i think all the obsession bases have been covered. unless you count making bumper stickers and/or finding stickes for your car and go around like an unofficial advertisement for broadway shows.... not that i do that or anything!
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