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Member Name: I*heart*Manhattan
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 Apr 5 2009, 04:41:40 AM
she is Amazing!
re: Atlantic Acting School question
 Mar 22 2009, 04:59:18 PM
I just got in and I'm super excited!!!
re: Cast Recordings You Wish You Hadn't Bought
 Jan 27 2009, 04:16:12 AM
Legally Blonde. I hate to admit i even picked it off the shelf to look.
re: Staying power of Phantom?
 Jan 27 2009, 04:13:07 AM
I cant see wicked lasting as long, when i saw the origional London cast I really didnt like it. I think it's initial success was largely due to the amazing cast it had when it opened on Broadway. Most people i know are sick to death of it already.
Phantom has run for so long because not only does it have this huge fan base of people who see the show upwards of 50 times but it has spectical, a good score and a wonderfully romantic story without it being soppy

re: Hard time at 'kids shows'
 Jan 19 2009, 06:59:55 AM
When i went to see Phantom There was this young girl behind me around 9 or 10 i would guess. She sang (tried to sing) Every single one of Christine's lines during the entire first act!! I was 14 at the time and felt to shy to turn around and tell her to SHUT UP but thankfully she didnt continue during the second act. The thing that really pissed me off was that her mother was sitting right beside her and never even told her to shhh!! Parents should teach their kids about theatre etiquette before
re: Nicest Bway Star You've Ever Met??
 Dec 28 2008, 05:22:20 AM
Charlotte D'amboise hands down!
When i met her at a chrous line she was so lovely, we had quite a long talk actually she started started asking me if i danced and for how long and how i liked NY and what i wanted to do when i finished scool. The amazing thing was she actually seemed genuinely interested (Shde also told me i was pretty but i think she does that at the stage door kinda often)

re: Atlantic Acting School question
 Nov 2 2008, 05:54:11 AM
What I hear is that it's one of the more reputable conservatories (sp?) to study at. I've been told they produce very good actors
re: NY Schools Question.
 Nov 2 2008, 04:15:31 AM
from what I hear Circle hands down!!
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