re: Catherine Walker as Mary Poppins Aug 15
2007, 02:49:47 PM
Either that or there is some MAJOR shilling going on. Do you realize that almost every thread started about Ms. Walker has been started by a new swing that just joined that day or by someone who has only ever written about Ms. Walker? Interesting. Not to say that she isn't fabulous...she may very well be. I just hate when almost blatant shilling occurs. Of course...I guess that is all part of the have to get people talking.
2007, 02:47:07 PM
Wow! He was cute on tv but could he ever possibly handle this kind of role? We shall see. Yes, it seems as if he has jumped the gun on announcing his casting. This happens quite often. Can you blame them? Getting any job in this business is exciting.
re: South Pacific cast? Aug 15
2007, 02:45:43 PM
I love the idea of Kelli O'Hara and Steven Pasquale. Ms. O'Hara has proven time and again that she is give her a chance. While I LOVE Dmitri's voice...can he ACT??
re: Patrick Swayze and Melissa Gilbert as Ma and Pa in LITTLE HOUSE musical Mar 15
2007, 11:01:46 PM
Patrick Swayze? Definitely not the person I ever would have thought of for this role. Interesting.
re: General rant on POTO Mar 15
2007, 10:59:02 PM
winston89...I'm sorry but now I just see that you seem to be bitter about just everything. Just remember that without tourists coming into this city, there really would not be a Broadway. Today's shows carry enormous financial budgets and without the money that these so called "stupid" tourists bring in, Broadway shows could not survive and so many people would be out of work. Yes, while sometimes I too get annoyed at all the people running around the city, the fact is, I chose to live here.
re: Curtains or Pirate Queen Mar 15
2007, 11:03:56 AM
I thought CURTAINS was a lot of fun but if you are not a fan of those old traditional feel good musicals, then I would try PIRATE QUEEN. I agree with danhattan...they are two completely different shows and each has their own specific appeal. Stephanie Bock is really terrific in PQ.
re: General rant on POTO Mar 15
2007, 11:00:45 AM
It is funny, POTO was never one of my favorites but I decided to tag along with some friends recently and I must say that in light of what has been happening on Broadway lately, I thought that the show held up very well. I thought that it was leagues above such generic recent offerings of WICKED, MAMMA MIA, WEDDING SINGER, ALL SHOOK UP, etc. I also thought that the current cast (McGillin, Wills, Lewis) was particularly strong. I do agree however that the effects need some updating....I actual
re: What should my last show choice be? Mar 15
2007, 10:54:14 AM
I have to add to the GREY GARDENS votes. Yes the show definitely has its problems but I found it very unique and the performances by the two leading ladies were spectacular.
re: What is with people and Disney? Mar 15
2007, 10:51:53 AM
I say that having Disney on Broadway is a great thing. Anything that can bring the younger generation into the theatre is a plus in my book. What is wrong with some good old fashioned family entertainment? We need to make sure that we have theatre patrons in the future and I think that Disney shows provide a wonderful first time theatrical experience. Do I necessarily run out to see the next Disney show? No...but...there are plenty of families coming into our city that need that outlet.
re: NYC October 25-30 Nov 1
2006, 12:40:16 AM
Ms. Vroman...that lady can do no wrong. A little OT...but did you get to see her in "Most Happy Fella"? I think her voice has just gotten more glorious with each passing year. Back OT: "Chorus Line" is one of my favorites and I am desperate to see it. Would you say that it still holds the same "punch" (for lack of a better brain is dead...I am usually not up this late *lol*) as it did years ago or is some of that lost with today's modern understandings?
re: The Next 50 Years of B'way Nov 1
2006, 12:33:31 AM
You guys are hysterical. Thanks for the laughs. I'm just not that creative to come up with anything fun *so sad*...
Storm ahead! Nov 1
2006, 12:31:29 AM
This is very sad to me. I think Stephanie Block is a major talent and I was truly hoping that this would be something that would really make her a star. I suppose things could change before it hits Broadway...
re: What is the scariest show you've ever seen? Oct 31
2006, 09:19:29 PM
Sweeney Todd the play (not the musical). I saw it in this little blackbox theatre and it was so dark, bloody, realistic and downright gruesome. It was fantastic!
re: America will get to know The Witches of Eastwick! Oct 31
2006, 09:17:30 PM
I only have heard the recording and wasn't a huge fan but if Maria Friedman would come back here and perform in the US I would definitely see it. She is just amazing!
re: NYC October 25-30 Oct 31
2006, 09:16:04 PM
Great reviews...thanks for posting. It sounded as if you had a great time. I'm glad you liked Norm Lewis. I thought he was a very different Javert and I LOVED his portrayal. I, on the other hand, was not a fan of Gemingnani's Valjean. I have not seen "Chorus Line" yet so I am very jealous. I am hoping to go sometime in January. I'm sorry that you didn't like Ms. Wills in "Phantom". I thought she was one of the best Christines I had ever real and honest and not just standing the
re: Young Frankenstein Oct 18
2006, 07:56:29 PM
I must say that I LOVE the way this cast is turning out! The only one I don't agree with is Sutton Foster. I think she is overated and while I think she is perfect for those 1920's musicals, I don't think she is right for this role. Maybe someone more like Sherie Renee Scott?
re: What shows would you revive and with what cast? Oct 18
2006, 07:53:28 PM
Ah...revivals....I just love my old shows: "Camelot" Arthur: Hugh Jackman Guinevere: Jennifer Hope Wills Lancelot: Matt Bogart or an unknown new heart throb Mordred: Barrett Foa "Aspects of Love" Rose: Carolee Carmello Alex: Brian D'Arcy James Jenny: unknown George: Greg Eddleman (perhaps still a little young...can't really think of anyone older right now) Guilietta: Eden Espinosa "West Side Story" I would l
re: Best Performer to Ever Grace Broadway Oct 14
2006, 11:36:53 AM
Yes, I'm sorry...I do agree with Patti Lupone. I suppose I was including her with the "old timers". I suppose I was thinking of the younger/modern generation in my comment. While I admire Kristin Chenoweth, Audra McDonald, Marin Mazzie, Howard McGillin, Kelli O'Hara, Brian D'Arcy James, etc...I just don't see them in quite the same light. Maybe because Broadway stars of yesteryear also became "popular" stars of their day. Maybe it is history looking back on their careers...I'm not sure...bu
re: Jennifer Hope Wills' POTO contract Oct 14
2006, 10:37:33 AM
I am so thrilled for Ms. Wills. I have been following her career since "Grease" and just think she is a fantastic real and honest. I can't wait for the day when she finally gets to originate a role. I think that "Phantom" principals are contracted for six months at a time but that would make her contract up right about now.
re: Best Performer to Ever Grace Broadway Oct 14
2006, 10:34:05 AM
I definitely agree with Julie Andrews and Jerry Orbach and would like to add Mary Martin. For some reason today, none of the performers really seem to have the same sort of star power to me. I'm not really sure what it is. There are many fine performers, but I just don't think they hold up to the "old timers".