Roundabout just called me...Are an of their shows worth getting the 3 for $ Apr 21
2010, 10:52:40 PM
They call me all the time, too, to the point of being annoying. I've said no so many times, even had to hang up on the caller, and they call me right back. I saw one of their shows, hated it, and don't really have a desire to buy a package from them...
re: 33 Variations Mar 8
2009, 01:28:07 PM
It took me awhile to warm up to her, and I have to say she was my least favorite....but I didn't DISLIKE her. She just seemed "too big" for the rest of the acting....if that makes any sense. I totally agree with this. I saw it yesterday, and at first, she seemed almost inexperienced with stage acting to me, but halfway through the first act, she suddenly improved and I started to like her. Definitely loved the show, though, and I will go back and see it again.
re: Rent Has Officially Closed Sep 7
2008, 10:34:50 PM
A friend of mine who won lotto told me that Adam, Idina and Taye were not there. The mezzanine had a section for past cast members, and there was constant sobbing from Contact on.
re: Footloose OBCR Jan 31
2008, 07:33:09 AM
Try Ebay..that's where I got mine.
re: Duran Duran's Red Carpet Massacre tonight on B'way Nov 3
2007, 12:02:41 AM
I've been a Duran Duran fan since their first album, but as much as I'd love to go to one of these shows, the ticket prices are insane, so I had to pass on it.
re: David Hasselhoff singing This is the Moment tonight Aug 22
2007, 07:38:45 AM
I made the mistake of trying to watch the Jekyll & Hyde dvd a few days ago and his version on AGT was only slightly better than on the dvd. I still cringed on some of those notes, though.
re: Worst performances you've seen Aug 19
2007, 11:04:42 AM
DRV in Les Mis Philip Dorian McAdoo and Stu James in Rent
re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal Aug 4
2007, 08:18:38 PM
I was at the matinee today. It was my first time ever seeing Anthony and Adam perform live. I've never been a big fan of Adam's voice (from listening to cast recordings and seeing the movie), but he totally changed my opinion today. His voice seems to have changed a bit for the better--it's just so strong and solid. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Anthony, in my opinion (and I'm sure mostly everyone else's!) is the perfect Mark. I had seen the show 20+ times before, but had only
re: Spring Awakening - Am I Missing Something? Jun 13
2007, 06:09:59 PM
I listened to the cast recording before I saw the show and loved it. When I went to the show, I was very disappointed. It's definitely not the kind of show everyone will like and understandably so--I'm sure some people would even consider the show to be bordering on offensive. While I find the cast to be incredibly talented (I do agree that John Gallagher Jr. deserved the Tony), and the music great to listen to, it really wouldn't bother me if I never saw the show again.
re: Shows you just don't 'get' Jan 29
2007, 06:59:25 PM
Phantom. I've never been so bored in my life.
Hilarious Comments... Jan 28
2007, 02:52:25 PM
An older couple sitting behind me at the matinee of Les Mis after the show... The Wife: That one who played Fantine, she must've had a cold. Me: No, she always sounds like that. Husband: Geez, what were they thinking? She wasn't even pretty!
awwww Jan 24
2007, 08:12:29 PM
He was even more annoying on So You Think You Can soon as I saw him on the previews last night, I knew it was going to be the same thing again. He's clearly just trying to get on tv...
re: Drowsy Chaperone (was it me?) Jan 23
2007, 07:19:18 PM
I bought tickets one day when I was looking to see something different, thinking I probably wouldn't like it that much--I ended up loving it. It's something original and different, which, to me, is far more interesting than the usual Disney/musicals made from movies/revivals shows that seem to be flooding Broadway now.
re: New TKTS Open Yet? Jan 19
2007, 07:37:21 AM
Personally, I prefer where it is now...moves quick, and you don't have to deal with any weather issues.
re: 'You're the One That I Want' Sinks in Sunday Ratings Jan 15
2007, 10:42:52 PM
It was up against the season premiere of 24....that's like the kiss of death.
re: Grease Chat Jan 7
2007, 08:58:31 PM
Anyone else notice Jason Celaya from Altar Boyz on there??
re: How was the final Wedding Singer Jan 1
2007, 03:46:36 AM
The show was very high energy, crowd was what was to be expected--some teenagers dressed in costume, loud audience response with applause for everyone as they came onstage. I did find it a bit obnoxious that people were yelling out some of the lines and singing along, though. Stephen Lynch gave a nice speech at the end, all the understudies and Constantine came onstage with the rest of the cast for the curtain call. Stage door surprisingly was not as insane as I expected. Crowded, ye
re: More on the High Fidelity recording Dec 17
2006, 11:12:39 AM
I preordered it at the show yesterday, I can't wait to get it!
re: Broadway stars in commericals Dec 7
2006, 07:38:59 AM
Colin Hanlon was in a Commerce Bank commercial this year with Regis and Kelly.
re: Audience Coughing!?!? Am I crazy or justfibiably frustrated. Nov 24
2006, 10:32:50 AM
I usually go to a show every weekend, but as much as there are a few shows I want to see right now, I'm probably going to hold off this weekend because I have a cold with a really bad bronchial cough...I definitely don't want to make a scene in the theatre, and I don't want to get anyone around me sick either.