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Member Name: CityLove82
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Lauren Zakrin joining WICKED tour
 Jun 28 2010, 01:03:52 AM
Well forom listening to that video it is pretty clear Lauren has the "vocal chops" that you say she does not have, can't tell much yet on acting. But vocally she sounds great there.
Lauren Zakrin joining WICKED tour
 Jun 22 2010, 11:21:48 AM
If you are going to post an illegal youtube clip of Hopelessly you might as well post the better one. look up the user Q27Broadway for a nice Grease clip. And I thinjk this cabaret is nice.

Does anyone know if she is going on as GLinda any time soon?

re: lauren zakrin in grease? question!!
 Dec 28 2009, 03:39:31 PM
If and when you attend, can you post your thoughts on Lauren's and Ace's performance? I am interested to hear what Ace Young's Danny is like. There are some poor quality vids of Hopelessly and Summer Nights where you can hear Ace too.

re: Bomb threat at Jersey Boys Chicago last night
 Oct 9 2009, 11:14:54 AM
""this is not a bomb," and the other note said "this is not going to end good."

Chris, clearly they found your notes from when you reviewed the show."

^I found this amusing.

So I take it no one got their money back for the show?

re: Legally Blonde - Saw Lauren Zakrin's Last Performance
 Oct 9 2009, 11:09:20 AM
I wish I could have seen Courtney. Is she permanently the new Brooke? I saw Lauren in Chicago, and I was surprisingly very impressed. On the show I thought she was too young inexperienced, but the crowd was in love with her. She sounded great too. I prefer the sound of her voice to Becky's, although Becky has a little more control and cleanliness to her sound, but I find it boring. She also did everything differently that LBB and Becky. It was refreshing.

Sandy is great news. Thi

re: LOVE NEVER DIES LIVE. CD March 2010. Broadway November 2010. SAMPLE TRA
 Oct 9 2009, 11:02:17 AM
I don't know, everyone is dreading the sequel but I think no matter what, the music and the actors will be phenomenal, and even if the story line is a little whack, I think that is the point. It is for the die hard Phantom lovers, and there are plenty. It will be beautiful, it will sound beautiful... From what I have heard so far I love it. And SIerra will be stunning.

Everyone just needs to go along for the ride :)

re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
 Mar 8 2009, 03:30:09 AM

So what is the verdict? I think some one posted osme where that the is a what you want video of her too.... dunno.

I say yay? Some say nay?

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