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Member Name: Juliet LaFleur
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re: Alice Ripley
 Aug 12 2009, 12:32:21 PM
Yes, he would be the dude.
re: Alice Ripley
 Aug 12 2009, 11:40:33 AM
He played the drums.

And sporkgoddess... PLEASE tell me you couldn't sense the sarcasm oozing out of my reply....

re: Alice Ripley
 Aug 12 2009, 02:41:30 AM
No, I am not "LN". I am also not a Next to Normal fan. I have known Alice for years.

She is completely lucid. Unconventional, but 100 percent lucid.

re: Alice Ripley
 Aug 12 2009, 01:52:35 AM
I swore to GOD I wouldn't respond to this thread, but honestly... I can't stomach another post. Those who know Alice know she isn't insane. Brilliant? Yes. Hilarious? Sure. Out of her mind? No more than the rest of you...

Grow a sense of humor and shut the F up. This thread is becoming offensive to those who love and care about her.

As it's been said before... if you don't like it - DON'T WATCH IT.

On a side note... what does her having a husband have anything to do wi

Everyday Rapture on TKTS?
 Jun 1 2009, 02:10:08 AM
Does anyone know if it's been on "ticket-tus" lately? Wanted to try to score some tickets this week.
re: next to normal Stagedoor Question
 Apr 28 2009, 11:06:38 AM
I think those are most commonly referred to as bubble letters.
re: N2N understudies at 'At this Performance'
 Apr 27 2009, 04:24:18 PM
Actually, Meghann is 19.

I think Meghann is beautiful and a natural talent who hasn't had the opportunity to grow in that role yet. Keep in mind, Jenn was not giving the same performance last year as she is right now. She has grown remarkably. All these roles are so multi-faceted and I feel like so many of those intricate choices that make them so raw and honest can only be discovered over time.

Let's give 'em all a little credit.

re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
 Mar 25 2009, 10:31:18 PM
I'm not freaking out, sweetie. I'm just merely pointing out some things I've observed. You may want to flush out your thoughts before posting them, because your last one was nonsensical.

I just find it bizarre that at 14 you are harshly criticizing the technique of a woman who is not only old enough to be your mother, but has been honing her skills since before you were born. That in itself is leaving you wide open for ridicule. It's good to be passionate about your feelings, but keep

re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
 Mar 25 2009, 03:14:04 PM

Maybe your ability to detect sarcasm will come with age. I don't think they teach that in algebra, though.

This thread is highly entertaining.

re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
 Mar 23 2009, 02:33:11 AM
Oops, you got me. Typo. You obviously are very well read and worldly. Congrats on obtaining such knowledge and experience at such a young age. I guess I wouldn't mind being considered "naive" if I was half as accomplished as you.

Have you considered a career in casting since you obviously know more than the pros?

re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
 Mar 21 2009, 01:53:23 PM
Jazz, I'm not trying to dispute your opinion. No need to get defensive. Though, I think it is quite naive of you to think that "no one would argue" that Sherie has one of the best voices in modern theatre. I actually know a handful of people who believe she is a very talented actress but her voice is weak, thin and uninteresting. I kind of sit in the middle of these opinions.

You are very righteous in your opinions and while reading your posts I just found irony in the fact you were co

re: Sound clips from NEXT TO NORMAL's OBCR on website...
 Mar 21 2009, 11:57:46 AM
I find irony in the fact that someone who was complaining about Alice's voice wants Sherie Rene Scott back in the show. Now, as much as I adore Sherie her voice can't hold a candle to the color and power behind Alice's. Different isn't always bad. In fact, some people embrace different. I personally can't picture Sherie's bright, floaty and cheerful timbre encompassing such a dark and and meaty role. Apples and oranges.
re: A Little Life, A Little Death
 Mar 20 2009, 02:13:13 AM
Not to nitpick, but wasn't it actually Alice (who played Violet) who shouts "I am loved!" at Jake during the song?
re: PHOTO FLASH! - Drew Barrymore as Little Edie in HBO's GREY GARDENS!
 Mar 10 2009, 12:28:42 PM
What fantastic casting. Drew looks like a dead ringer for Little Edie in the first one. Can't wait for this.
re: next to normal auditions
 Mar 10 2009, 12:13:21 PM
I know they offered it to the them, but not sure if they've all signed.

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