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Member Name: Suzikane
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re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 May 13 2005, 03:35:09 PM
Here's another message from the man!!
Hey there,
only me,been on holiday for a week with my mate tony......went to new york,as i had no time to sight see last time i was there!!!!
Home for a few weeks, have a lot of news/dates to post over the next few days,which i am really excited about! anyway, enough of to see my co manager nathan"chunder"moore tomorrow night,he is doing that hit me one more time show.....should be fu

re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 Apr 14 2005, 02:51:51 AM
Here's another update from James....
Hot Houston!

Howdee.....think thats how you spell it, anyway..hows it going,
Picked up a virus on my computer last week and only just got it fixed,luckily none of my files were lost...had three new songs on there!!!!phew..anyway, thanks for all the birthday and good luck cards,the flowers and hampers etc...really spoilt me!!!! cheers, and for those that came to new york thanks a

re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 Apr 13 2005, 01:45:57 PM
He will be touring Houston..but still not known...when!!

Here's a photo of James holding a frame..which he got from his fans who travelled to NY to see him in Movin Out


re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 Apr 7 2005, 02:45:35 PM
Great news just had a message from James to say that he has just had a call from the Theatre and he has been asked to perform in the show again TONIGHT!!!

James also said to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone for the flowers and champagne, he was over the moon and also said 'You guys Rock'

So great news all round it just gets better and better

Bernadette & Pauline

re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 Apr 7 2005, 04:12:13 AM
Apparantly he was amazing...and just like BJ..!!!

Here's a photo of James taken by one of the foxettes...


re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 Apr 5 2005, 06:18:43 PM
The first foxettes have arrived in NEW YORK...can't wait to hear from them..they are going to tomorrow's matinee....sooo I do hope thats they find an internetcafé!!!!!!!!


re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 Apr 2 2005, 05:19:38 PM
Oké's an update from the man himself...
New York New York

It`s a hell of a town by the way!
anyway, hey all,just thought i would pop in and let you know that rehearsals are going well,the taxi drivers are crazy and the cast and crew are lovely.the band is awesome by the way!! i mean seriously, these guys are among the best in the world and michael c is just unbelievable, makes the show look effortless....and be

re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 Mar 23 2005, 10:55:23 AM
I don't think it's his artist name....!


re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 Mar 23 2005, 06:56:58 AM
Hi guys...

He left us a message on his website....and I've enclosed a BJ medley...done during his website party...this will only be available for a few days!!

Just finished reading through all of the cards and messages from sunday night, and i would be lying if i said that they didn`t bring a small tear to my eye!!!i am so lucky to have your continued support,it means so much to me,and once again i was completely over

re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 Mar 22 2005, 06:04:06 AM
Hi everyone,

Here's James'version of She's got a way...this was recorded last sunday...during his website party in Cardiff...!

This recording will stay online for 5 or 6 more days...


re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 Mar 15 2005, 01:40:54 PM
I think he'll play more shows...but these dates are for sure..and this was in his calendar...

He might be doing Houston Texas....but he also got some commitments going on..he's going to the falklands at the end of April doing gigs for the troops...(26-04/04-05)..

But we'll keep you updated...ready for another hot piccie...!!


re: James Fox' Broadway debut
 Mar 12 2005, 06:31:23 PM
Hi Elaine, I know you're one of the lucky ones to go....wish I was going with you!! But I'm saving my pennies for my trips to the uk! I've also started a topic on this lol....and I also included a clip of James but a different angle! Way to to James! I've included an old piccie of James cause I think his hair will be like that when he's performing in the musical Suzette
re: James Fox got the part
 Mar 10 2005, 03:36:33 PM
You're all forgiven...I keep forgetting there's this Jamie FOXX


re: James Fox got the part
 Mar 10 2005, 03:06:02 PM
I'm not sure..this is placed only nothing is really known at the moment..but I'll post it when I know more!


James Fox got the part
 Mar 10 2005, 02:22:48 PM
Hi everyone,

I hope TPTB won't mind...that I'm posting this..but James Fox got the part in the musical Movin' Out...woohoo...!

Here's the message that was left on his forum!

He’s got it – James is Movin’ Out

Brilliant news, we knew he would WOW them and looks like he has, he's got the part.

James has stayed on in America and get this; he is in rehearsals with David Rosenthal who wo

re: What Famous Movies Should Be Made Into Musicals?
 Oct 7 2004, 12:23:09 PM
What about the movie:

The Outsiders!


Craig Price might play Jesus
 Oct 7 2004, 06:47:53 AM
I just read on his website that he might be playing Jesus in Oxford or in Woking..please let it be in Oxford!!


other castmembers!
 Oct 6 2004, 02:53:04 PM
Sorry but please don't turn this thread into a glenn carter thread...!!

Just wanted to ask...has anyone here seen the next performers

* Craig Price
* Graeme Kinniburgh


re: Photos of JCS castmembers UK tour 2004
 Oct 6 2004, 12:59:18 PM
And here's a clip to one of his performances at the beginning of this year...this was at an event just for his biggest fans...!!

Hope you like it!


re: Photos of JCS castmembers UK tour 2004
 Oct 6 2004, 12:48:18 PM
Finally the tickets have been changed and the ladies I'm staying with had a surprise for me...I'm going to the matinee aswell!! 10th of November...........I can't wait....!!!

Hope you like all the photos!!

The photo shown here is made by Sue Harris!


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