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Member Name: OneBlazeOfGlory
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 Mar 12 2005, 08:26:52 PM
Who wants to explain to me what its about, because today I found out that I'm playing Freddie in an upcoming produciton, but I don't know much about the show, and the only song I've heard is 'Pity the Child'. So yea I don't get my script for a week or so and itd be nice if someone would help me out a little... another random question: is the 2CD cast recording worth buying?
re: audition question
 Feb 28 2005, 11:23:57 PM
alright then will let the accompanist do their job and hope for the best :-P

thanks for the input will let you know how it goes

audition question
 Feb 28 2005, 11:09:26 PM
I'm auditioning for a community theater production of 'Chess' in a week or so, I have a song and everything but had a quick question. Is it considered okay to ask to play the piano for myself while I sing/ ask the pianist to turn pages for me? I don't want to offend anyone, and I don't know if maybe I should just memorize the piano part as well, but the song I'm doing changes tempo a lot and I'd rather not worry about having a total stranger try to read my mind and know exactly how I want it pla
re: HAIR revival.
 Feb 12 2005, 10:16:11 PM
'The show only works with YOUNG unknowns. That's what made it such a phenomenon. '

AGREED! That would include me late teens/early 20s by the time they ever decide to even have a revival when/if they do, AND I'm currently in a production of it right now. I don't care if I'd just be a tribe/ensemble member if any of these people you're suggesting would be in it and its on broadway, I'm so there

re: Aida Tour Review (take 2)
 Jan 29 2005, 07:32:31 PM
They looked different in real life. Jaymes's hair was long enough to have in a ponytail in the museum scenes and his bangs weren't all sticking out. And Melody's hair was straight and pulled back in a ponytail the whole time. I'm guessing the photo isn't too recent but I might be wrong

Edit: what scene is the swimming pool thing? I have no idea what you're talking about...

re: Aida Tour Review (take 2)
 Jan 29 2005, 07:27:57 PM
'So Aida sang Radames' Letter? That's well... backwards. *shrug*'

Aida got the letter and sang it until 'i wish I could tell you this face to face' etc, when radames came on the stage. Which is dumb, because he was standing like 2 feet away from her, and apparently he can't tell her everything to her face. Then they both sang 'I love you'. Whatever, it worked except for the blocking aspect of it. You should see it. One of the ensemble members told me at the stage door that their voices

Aida Tour Review (take 2)
 Jan 29 2005, 07:07:43 PM
Is it just me or did something happen to the other one? Its not showing up....

I saw the Amneris Company today in TX... They were awesome! My discounted ticket was a very nice surprise from the director of a show I'm in, and this was the first time I've seen the show.

Overall- Was impressed. For paying 25 $ it was amazing. There were so many things that were different from the broadway run of it though (or at least that I can tell from the recording). Like Aida sang most

re: Songs that Gave You Chills
 Dec 20 2004, 10:53:38 PM
'Will I?', 'Another Day' and 'Halloween' from Rent gave me the chills

'One Day More' and the Finale from Les Miserables left me totaly awe struck

'My Strongest Suit' from Aida made me want to scream something along the lines of 'you go girl' haha

Camp the Movie Question
 Dec 18 2004, 01:22:44 AM
I like the movie but the acting is a little... blah. Those kids can SING though! I have the soundtrack, because it spares me from having to watch some of the not so great acting between the awesome songs
re: What shows have YOU seen?
 Dec 15 2004, 10:24:17 PM
All I've seen is the tour of Little Shop...once.

I AM however going to NYC in Febuary for my first time ever and am going to see anything and everything that even looks slightly appealing...

re: This year's preemptive, official Christmas songs from musicals thread.
 Dec 15 2004, 10:15:21 PM
'Christmas Bells' and the little quartet of homeless people from Rent
to s&m
 Dec 15 2004, 12:05:15 AM
Great to hear about LVB! You should stop by the 'Rent Welcome Wagon' thread on the OT board sometime... Fredi is usually posting when you check in... I know your busy/tired and you don't HAVE to stick around just because I suggest it, but that thread isn't so much like an interogation and I think it may be the sort of relaxed conversation you were looking for when you first joined...

Just a thought

Anyways hope rehersals continue to go as

c'est la vie
 Dec 14 2004, 12:01:33 AM
'It's especially exciting for me to watch Rosario grow more and more confident with her voice. She really sounds great, but is occasionally a little unsure of herself, since she's not had as much experience as the rest of us. But when she cuts loose and goes for it it's *really* exciting.'

Thats GREAT!

I was a little worried about her... I did see bits and pieces of her in Josie and the Pussycats (yes, I really am that insane, I made my sister rent/watch it and the computer is

re: what Idina had for breakfast
 Dec 12 2004, 03:04:11 PM
'Im not sure what she ate but I bet she was desperately gasping for air between bites. '

Hahaha of course

re: what Idina had for breakfast
 Dec 12 2004, 01:04:14 PM
waaaah I thought you were being serious ::runs away in tears::

I REALLY wanted to know....


re: Stars and songs you wish they could have performed
 Dec 11 2004, 11:37:53 AM
Apparently Anothony Rapp was extremely close to being emcee in Cabaret... that would have been interesting
re: new RENT movie article
 Dec 11 2004, 12:06:29 AM
'He and Alexander's Rosario Dawson are the two biggest names cast so far in Rent.'

Hm. Not sure which way to take that... What are they expecting bigger? Or are Anthony and Adam not good enough or something?

Anyways... thanks for sharing the articles

re: Adam Pascal news.....
 Dec 11 2004, 12:01:53 AM
Good for Adam! Goodness though he's gonna be busy!
re: Rent movie: Tom Collins
 Dec 2 2004, 09:55:49 PM
Yep I've already been informed but its nice to see a source so thanks for posting

So we're still waiting for an official response from Taye Idina and Wilson then?

re: Look at that.... Emcee FINALLY saw HAIRSPRAY!
 Dec 2 2004, 09:53:47 PM
Glad you enjoyed it Emcee! I have yet to hear the cd myself (I've been holding off for the holidays) And I appear to be missing out on something great... Could possibly push for it to be added to my growing list of want-to-sees while I'm in NY
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