Big Brother 2019

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#225Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/13/19 at 7:12am

FYI, here’s the info about Michie’s DV (and others) charge:

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#226Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/13/19 at 7:35am

FYI: here’s arguably the worst move in BB history.

Cliff/Nicole’s decision isn’t as bad as that, but it was pretty bad.  Especially since last night’s HOH competition was a physical endurance comp which I don’t think either of them will excel at, especially Cliff.   

#227Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/14/19 at 4:16pm

If you go on Jokers Updates, there is a video of the jurors receiving their comic book and their reactions.  Jack tried to be happy, but you could tell he figured out the diss.  Also Nick was unhappy with his.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#228Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/14/19 at 4:51pm

What’s disrespectful about Jack’s? I just remember him being a centaur. I thought they were all pretty great comic book covers.

#229Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/14/19 at 6:15pm


Updated On: 9/14/19 at 06:15 PM

#230Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/14/19 at 6:15pm


Updated On: 9/14/19 at 06:15 PM

#231Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/14/19 at 6:15pm


Updated On: 9/14/19 at 06:15 PM

#232Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/14/19 at 6:18pm

ArtMan said: "Miles2Go2 said: "What’s disrespectful about Jack’s? I just remember him being a centaur. I thought they were all pretty great comic book covers."

His comic is called The Jack Ass. He is a centaur, but the animal half is a donkey. It states "he likes to be the centaur of attention". Calling someone a jackass, isn't a compliment.
"  He was smart enough to realize it.


#233Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/14/19 at 6:18pm



Updated On: 9/14/19 at 06:18 PM

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#234Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/14/19 at 6:21pm

Aw, that’s right. I forgot. Forgive me, I just woke up from a nap following approximately 8 hours of air travel. My brain is a little foggy. Well, it’s not like he didn’t earn the monicker.

#235Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/14/19 at 6:23pm

Nick's had all the hands on it, which I think was a dig that he couldn't keep his hands to himself.  When he showed it, none of the others oohed and ahhed, like they did with the rest.

#236Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/14/19 at 6:23pm


Updated On: 9/14/19 at 06:23 PM

#237Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/15/19 at 9:03pm

LOL, Holly's face when Jackson was asking for a hug from his Momma.  "Where's Momma".

#238Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/15/19 at 9:03pm


Updated On: 9/15/19 at 09:03 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#239Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/16/19 at 11:31am

Tommy, Nicole and Cliff have all been idiots.  Jackson is exhibiting typical abuser behavior.  When speaking about Nicole, Cliff and Tommy, he basically blames them for his lying hypocritical behavior.  "I wouldn't had to have done all this if they hadn't tried to betray us." reminds me too much of "If you'd just behaved, I wouldn't have to hit you."  He's okay with playing a ruthless game and doing whatever he has to do to take himself and Holly to final 2, but he refuses to acknowledge that others may be trying to do the same.  And then he talks about his guilt and cries over his behavior, admitting how awful it is, which really looks like he's trying to manipulate the viewers, knowing full well how the internet will be reacting to what he's doing.  I hate that guy so much.  And Holly is just pathetic.  I'm sure the producers will bring them back.  They LOVE horrible people, ESPECIALLY showmances (like Bayleigh/Swaggy).  I do hope the reality TV trend of embracing and idolizing awful people will eventually subside, but I don't trust Los Angeles to give up its favorite form of entertainment.

But what really bothers me the most was Tommy talking about how he can respect Jackson's behavior as good strategy.  I don't.  I can acknowledge when playing dirty works as an effective move, but I don't respect it at all.  That's probably the biggest problem I have with Big Brother.  The "respect" given to disrespectful and bullying behavior at the expense of others because of the effects it has on a personal level.  It's absolutely nauseating.  It's why I particularly hated seeing people like Mike Boogie, Evel Dick and Kaycee Clark win.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#240Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/16/19 at 11:47am

I still like Nicole and Cliff as people, but ya, this is the worst cast of all time and this final 4 proves it. Horrible gameplay thats not entertaining but more frustrating, and a terrible man who should have frankly been thrown out weeks ago for his racist and sexist behavior, along with breaking BB rules, may very well win. And now people on reddit are defending Jackson for being such a great game player. He can win comps, he's really nothing special outside of that. Cant wait for this season to be over and move onto the next one!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#241Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/16/19 at 2:44pm

and a terrible man who should have frankly been thrown out weeks ago for his racist and sexist behavior, along with breaking BB rules, may very well win. 

Evel Dick 2.0.  The difference is, Evel Dick proudly admitted being evil.  Jackson pretends to be a saint who is driven to immoral behavior by others.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#242Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/17/19 at 10:33am

Mister Matt said: "and a terrible man who should have frankly been thrown out weeks ago for his racist and sexist behavior, along with breaking BB rules, may very well win.

Evel Dick 2.0. The difference is, Evel Dick proudly admitted being evil. Jackson pretends to be a saint who is driven to immoral behavior by others.

Agreed. I didn’t like Evel Dick either. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#243Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/17/19 at 3:16pm

When Micky is trying to win an argument he talks loudly, does not allow others to talk and he talks over people. He even does it with Holly when they are having an argument. Then when he is mad at people he gives them the silent treatment. I hope he does not win but at this point his chances are probably pretty good. 

I also agree that not keeping Tommy was one of the dumbest moves I have ever seen on the program. Cliff claims to be highly intelligent but I would beg to differ after that decision.

I hope Nicole is in the final two although I think she may have an uphill battle.  

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#244Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/17/19 at 4:31pm

I feel like Cliff is hoping for a bitter jury as he formed better relationships with everyone in the house.  The problem is, this could be the stupidest jury Big Brother has seen in a really long time.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#245Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/18/19 at 8:54pm

Those tears from Michie upon his veto win were just ridiculous.

And the combination of stupidity and overconfidence is not a good look for Cliff. I hope those qualities serve him well in the jury house.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#246Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/18/19 at 8:54pm

Double post 

Updated On: 9/18/19 at 08:54 PM

#247Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/18/19 at 9:14pm

I had the episode on for a few minutes.  Got bored.  I just can't stand to listen to Cliff speak.

#248Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/18/19 at 9:14pm


Updated On: 9/18/19 at 09:14 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#249Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/19/19 at 2:49am

Cliff is a boor. America's player this year is going to be a toss up since the casting was weak. I hope Cliff does not win it.


Jackson said something about delaying going to law school to do the program and I thought that law was an appropriate occupation for him. He probably would be a pretty good lawyer. 
