
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence- Page 2

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence

Petralicious Profile Photo
#25Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence
Posted: 1/19/17 at 2:16pm

kdogg36 said:I  don't know much about Oscar López Rivera, but the vast bulk of Obama's pardons and commutations have been for nonviolent drug offenders who were given ridiculously long prison sentences. I think if you looked into some of these cases, you'd agree that clemency is appropriate. For me, this is one of the high points of Obama's very mixed legacy, though I wish he'd done much more.

The recent decision on Cuban refugees is a bad one. (Of course, if it were up to me, I'd welcome peaceful people from anywhere in the world without restriction.) That's a shame, because Obama's previous reforms on Cuba policy were another bright spot in his legacy.



"I agree alot of the drug offenders have served their time. But the FALN planted bombs in America killing innocent men, women and children. including Police, They are terrorist, traitors and should get Death Penalty.  

I am very surprised he did not pardon Hilary. I wish he had, so we can move on and start to heal. We do not need her to go on trial. Turn the page Mr Trump. If you want a clean slate, start here. it will be a good symbol of forgiveness and new starts


When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 1/19/17 at 02:16 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#26Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence
Posted: 1/19/17 at 2:23pm

Updated On: 1/19/17 at 02:23 PM
