
HenryTDobson Profile Photo
Posted: 7/27/15 at 8:43pm

I caught this on Sunday and found it to be pretty mediocre.  There were definitely some funny moments/one-liners, but overall it lacked the very much needed flow of a typical rom-com. Instead of feeling like a consistent film with one major plot line, it felt more like a bunch of sketches thrown together for the sake of being funny. There were so many supporting characters, it was hard to remember who was important. I always appreciate when these types of movies have an ending that ties everything up nicely; this movie did no such thing. 

With all that said, Amy Schumer is a great comedian. I hope she continues to find success in the film industry. 

Updated On: 7/27/15 at 08:43 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 7/28/15 at 6:24pm

I love Amy Schumer.  I think I love her because she is a PC Goddess for the PC generation and everything she does is super PC and my initials are almost PC but not quite Gothampc.  I've been looking forward to this movie from the moment I heard about it and the only reason I waited so long to see it is because I went on a cruise that left the weekend it opened. 

I didn't love it.  I didn't hate it, in fact I laughed a lot and thought that if the movie was cut down to an hour forty or so that might have raised my opinion of it.  

I need to highlight this comment of Namo's though, because this exact thought hit me around the scene that had Chris Evert the inexplicable appearance of Matthew Broderick.  

PS  This movie has a protagonist who HATES sports and the people who love sports (with a father who loves sports -- an unexamined issue in the move) and the cast is populated by pro athlete after pro athlete after sports announcer after cheerleaders after pro teams.  THIS is the best example of how a Judd Apatow ruins what could have been a Bridesmaids-level great Amy Schumer headlining movie.

Because I thought the sports stuff was kind of overkill.  It's not the sports per se, but all the time devoted to that (including the wildly overrated Lebron James performance) and I wondered if it was an attempt to bring in the straight male audience to a movie that the powers that be thought might not normally attract them.  

Full disclosure - I generally hate Judd Apatow movies but there was enough of Schumer in this that it didn't make me want to die the way abominable Knocked Up did (a movie I still maintain plays like a bleak drama about terrible people treating each other terribly when there's no audience laughing through it), but by the end I realized that this movie was (or maybe at one time was) almost an inversion of a typical romantic comedy, but it's the woman who meets someone that makes her want to change her wild ways and ultimately perform a grand gesture to the fair maiden who in this is the marvelous Bill Hader.  But Judd Apatow is just about the absolute worst director to have at the helm of that kind of film.  

Updated On: 7/28/15 at 06:24 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 7/28/15 at 6:25pm

Posted: 7/28/15 at 6:33pm

I adore your opening statement and the neat way it demonstrates how PC you and Amy are.

I also agree with your final summation.

Great work, counselor.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 7/28/15 at 6:49pm

Thanks.  I'm disappointed, because I really do love her and want to see her become a huge star.  But so much of this was off.  The story would have been better served with the father being dead from the get go, because all of that weighed everything down, so much so early on that at one point they cut back to Hader after it being all about the dad and sister for a while that I had to readjust and remember that oh yeah, this was (ostensibly) a romantic comedy.  

Also, that scene where the women at the shower are telling their deepest secrets?  It was funny because of Bridget Everett's punchline at the end of it, but that whole scene leading up to it felt so phony and forced and like it came from a completely different movie.  

Unrelated, but Kristin Wiig looks she's continuing her streak of picking movies that I think are godawful if that trailer for Masterminds is any indication of what the movie is like.

Updated On: 7/28/15 at 06:49 PM

Posted: 7/28/15 at 10:19pm

I thought the focus on sports in the movie made perfect sense. As Amy is stepping into a world she knows nothing about--the world of serious relationships--she is stepping into another world she knows nothing about--the world of sports. At the beginning of the film, Amy looks down upon traditional relationships and athletics in the same way. The connection between the two seemed to be that both represent an image of the mainstream American life that Amy wants no part of. 

actorsnonactors Profile Photo
Posted: 8/4/15 at 5:23pm

The best way I could put it is this: this movie had the slowest second act of any movie that I ultimately ended up liking. 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 8/5/15 at 5:52pm

it didn't make me want to die the way abominable Knocked Up did

Oh God, I try to forget I saw that movie.  I kept waiting for what everyone was raving about to happen.  Instead, I got a contemptible ending that undermines EVERYTHING in the film where the woman suddenly needs a man once she's in labor and isn't that so sweet and the way it really should have been all along?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 8/5/15 at 05:52 PM
