
Is the consensus that Glenn Close is NOW going to win the Oscar this year?- Page 3

Is the consensus that Glenn Close is NOW going to win the Oscar this year?

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#50Is the consensus that Glenn Close is NOW going to win the Oscar this year?
Posted: 2/25/19 at 11:25am

Unfortunately, someone wins and others look forward to next season. Close was very gracious regarding the win for Coleman, and that was very heartwarming to view.

Coleman has been one of my favorite actors for a LONG time. She is always working (see her Wikipedia page), and she consistently works in both television and film, although her more featured roles are in television.

Both are superb actors, but IMO, the difference between Close and Coleman is that Coleman is superb in both comedy and drama (Close - not so much. Better in dramatic roles than comedy).

My favorite examples of Coleman's work are both from TV roles. She was AMAZING in Broadchurch (drama), and hysterically funny in Fleabag (comedy). I also loved her in Greenwing, Rev and Beautiful People.

I am never disappointed or unaffected by her work; the opposite actually. The thing about her work that I respect so much is that in every role I've ever seen her do, I see some unexpected acting choice, or spot-on characterization detail (and God truly is in the details of her work).

I hope that US viewers who aren't familiar with her work will seek out her former roles on Netflix, or wherever they subscribe. If anyone is unfamiliar with her work, I recommend beginning with Broadchurch and Fleabag.

#51Is the consensus that Glenn Close is NOW going to win the Oscar this year?
Posted: 2/25/19 at 2:15pm

I am incredibly happy that Colman won as I believed she, McCarthy and Close were all deserving. That said, my heart belonged to Close and it dropped when she lost. I know there was no intention to be cruel as they only voted who they liked the best, but it seems so cruel anyway.

I wonder, are there any meaty theatre roles for a woman of Close's age that she can adapt to a movie? The Wife was NOT the vehicle for her as Close even acknowledges that it was not an "Oscar bait" role. We know what Oscar bait roles look like. People think a movie version of Sunset Boulevard would be her ticket to an Oscar, but I'm doubtful considering the material of the musical no matter how great her performance will be. Of course Bohemian Rhapsody won four Oscars (though Queen's music is great) and Green Book won Best Pic, so obviously my taste doesn't align with the Oscars.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#52Is the consensus that Glenn Close is NOW going to win the Oscar this year?
Posted: 2/25/19 at 2:33pm

John Adams - I looooooooooooved Olivia in "Broadchurch."  Her and David Tennant played off each other like gangbusters and made that series as good as it was.   

Can't wait to see her turn as Queen Elizabeth in "The Crown." 

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2
