
It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism- Page 3

It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism

#50It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/20/20 at 5:58pm

Speaking of the Trump cult,I finally got to see my new baby great-niece yesterday,and her 3-year-old sister,my older great-niece. I love my nephew and his wife,but they are Trumpers. While I was playing with 'A',the 3-year-old,in one room,I overheard my nephew make some crazy right-wing remark in the next room. I told my work friend today that I was glad I wasn't in the same room and that 'A's cute chattering and laughing was drowning him out!

I sang the baby my renditions of "Omar Sharif" and Being Alive". She was a good,if sleepy, audience.  :)

Updated On: 11/21/20 at 05:58 PM

#51It's remarkably tragic to see a few people here trapped in the cult of Trumpism
Posted: 11/22/20 at 11:13pm

Thank you for that story, ff2.  It made me feel better after my reaction to:

Are all 70m in cult territory? No. Dented is correct - there are many that see his lies, see is racism, see his misogyny, see his greed but bow down to the almighty dollar instead - an equally dangerous cult.

They're not in a cult, Namo, dented is right. They're in a different cult.



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