strummergirl Profile Photo
#75HBO'S Girls
Posted: 2/21/14 at 1:19am

Oh, I plan on quoting that Mapplethorpe line whenever I can. Sure I'll hear a few, 'I don't know who that is.'

HorseTears Profile Photo
#76HBO'S Girls
Posted: 2/21/14 at 1:29am

If this were some obscure Romanian art film and not a widely known pop culture sensation, I'd totally steal that line as well. The problem is, the type of guy who'd appreciate that kind of line is probably watching GIRLS, too.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#77HBO'S Girls
Posted: 2/21/14 at 2:32am

BTW, Jessa's comment to Elijah's friend (the cute brunette) is now my new favorite pick-up line: "You look like someone Robert Mapplethorpe would have photographed.""

Ha! I was watching with a good friend of mine, who I think knows his stuff. I gave a big laugh, and he just stared at me, clueless. I have to paraphrase but I also liked when the character that was directed at ("random pretty gay guy"?) was heard saying something like "I paid $40,000 for a theatre degree, of course I have talent!"

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#78HBO'S Girls
Posted: 2/21/14 at 2:38am

"I am not 100% sure Marnie was actually telling the whole truth on the matter. She expanded on the pizza story but we are still hearing just her side and we also know she was far from the perfect girlfriend."

Oh, personally I absolutely agree. (And in this case I can completely relate--if I kinda drunk at a party talking to someone I didn't know well about a breakup I was still hurting from, I'm sure I'd embellish too :P )

HorseTears Profile Photo
#79HBO'S Girls
Posted: 2/21/14 at 11:27am

Yup yup. I feel like every time Marnie describes her breakup it gets embellished. I'm actually interested to see where this thing with Ray goes. Though she's outwardly hostile to him at every single encounter, I thought the smile she had when she was discussing the advice Ray had given her was very telling.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#80HBO'S Girls
Posted: 2/21/14 at 1:38pm

Right, and that's obviously some sort of progression--would she have even mentioned Ray (at least in that way) before?

HorseTears Profile Photo
#81HBO'S Girls
Posted: 2/25/14 at 4:18am

How are we not talking about this week's ep?? This was AMAZING. I mean....

Marnie's unreciprocated hug with Booth's former assistant.

Adam doing Major Barbara on Broadway.

The mother-****ing Patti LuPone cameo.

Patti LuPone's fake French Bulldog named Pippin.

Patti LuPone telling Hannah that Adam is going to start ****ing everyone in the cast. (Did you hear that one, Kevin Kline??)

Patti LuPone saying that "There are a lot of weirdos out there. The Elephant man got laid a lot."

Hannah telling her co-worker: "I'm sorry, but Patti LuPone just really f**ked with my head."

Shosh saying: "Are you afraid Adam's gong to leave you for, like, Sutton Foster or someone?"

Adam's new co-star's former role as a gay, disabled hockey player on One Tree Hill.

The enjoyment of watching Tony nominee Andrew Rannels' character ply Adam with advice on how to make it on Broadway while simultaneously making a desperate attempt to get in with him and admitting that the closest he's gotten to Broadway is "a handjob from a guy in Pippin."

Or what about Andrew Rannells' character advising Adam to make sure he hangs out at a certain bar where he "saw Tyne Daly get really drunk and fall down a flight of stairs."

Or, when he's rebuffed by Adam,saying "Well, don't come crying to me when Kristin Chenoweth passes out because you forgot to feed her."

Updated On: 2/25/14 at 04:18 AM

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#82HBO'S Girls
Posted: 2/25/14 at 4:40am

I only just watched it :P

I loved the episode for every reason you just gave, and so I have next to nothing to say. I will say it seemed basically, plot-wise, like set up for the final four episodes--but I didn't care. And I guess now we know that Jessa's friend isn't just imaginary...

HorseTears Profile Photo
#83HBO'S Girls
Posted: 2/25/14 at 5:11am

Yeah! I have to admit those ridiculous speculations about Jessa's rehab friend being imaginary started to seem almost legit when he first entered her shop.

You're right, structurally speaking this ep is probably just there to set us up for the events coming, but if it's going to be this ridiculously entertaining, I don't care.

Even Marnie got some funnies in:

'I love Michelle Branch--'
'--Dylan, too'

Updated On: 2/25/14 at 05:11 AM

#84HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/3/14 at 1:52am

I know most of us were probably watching the Oscars, but did anyone else catch this weeks episode? It wasn't the riotous laughter the last two weeks were, but it had some touching moments and featured Amy Morton!

strummergirl Profile Photo
#85HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/3/14 at 1:57am

This episode was AMAZING. I can totally see Deirdre Lovejoy and Amy Morton as Hannah's aunts, Sarah Steele as the prudish cousin who has memories that Hannah has no recollection of, and of course, June Squibb. This was like a truncated August: Osage County. Living for this. Becky Ann Baker was the episode MVP for sure. I love her and there are times I seriously think she is my own mother on this show.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#86HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/18/14 at 1:56pm

Louise Lasser AND Patti in the same episode? Yes please! I just caught up with this week's episode last night, but it's made me pick back up on watching the Mary Hartman complete set.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#87HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/18/14 at 6:06pm


So wonderful. Just her reciting of the dialogue about old women on TV as shells was so beautiful and heartbreaking.

To me this season is easily the best of the three. I don't care if it crash lands the finale. It feels coherent, interesting, funny, and emotional all at once.

So..... from the preview of the last episode it appears Shoshanna might not graduate. That would actually send her into a downward spiral. Forget whether or not she finds about about Ray and Marnie, her screwing up her own future in such a way would gut her more.

Call me crazy, I want Ray and Marnie to work. That said, almost all of the struggle in that relationship, besides how long they could really tolerate each other's company, is to actually be out in the open about it.

Desi also looks like he may make a move on her. Based on those 'Inside the Episodes', I think Lena Dunham slipped that Desi was much more of a lothario and potentially manipulative to Marnie. I also may be projecting, because I will always be suspicious of the guy who bring guitars to parties.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#88HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/18/14 at 6:18pm

Yes, she was absolutely perfect. From the preview it looks like she's going to get drugs from Jessa?

I've come around and feel this season is the best too. Girls has never been great at their serialized stories, IMHO--they kinda tell them in chunks, if that makes sense, but it's worked for me this year after a sorta meh start (is Caroline--I think that's her name--ever even going to be mentioned again?)

Lena did kinda imply that about Desi. His girlfriend did seem a bit too perfect, and he's ALWAYS creeped me out (just his face alone when he plays the guitar) so I'm sure something will happen there.

I admit, I kinda wish Hannah had stuck with her job a bit longer--I liked seeing those scenes and her interaction there. I assume the job people, at least that one guy, won't be completely out of the picture, but I never know with this show.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#89HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/18/14 at 6:45pm

I am of the mind with Desi that he will be the example of the 'actor who gets laid a lot', like Patti LuPone's words of wisdom to Hannah re: Adam. His girlfriend seems great but he also mentioned that she travels a lot. Plus his whole introduction had everyone fawning at him. Girls never lets somebody in multiple episodes stay that too good to be true. I think he always got girls on the side. Like, I wouldn't be shocked if a.) Desi has lied to her about more than a few things and b.) there have been 'other Marnies', perhaps even 'other Marnies' that he has been balancing.

Out of left field: I feel like Desi could easily go behind her back to put out that song without her proper credit. Sort of an inverse of what happened to her with the video earlier this season.

I wouldn't be surprised if Hannah had some plan in her back-pocket. I am currently stuck at a job that I am planning to get out of. I am playing the waiting game in securing a temporary position, not ideal but better than where I was before. There is this burning sensation for me to just leave in a dramatic fashion, even if I like some of the people there, and 'truth-tell' even if it is embarrassing and it would look at lot like Hannah's. I would never go through with it, of course. HBO'S Girls In terms of Hannah having a fall-back. I feel like the show can often go that way, like with the e-book or the fact she had that GQ job in the first place. Hannah did have great news for her parents and I don't think her leaving a job that got her a nice pay-check is what she will tell them. I personally think the best course for Hannah is temp work just for in-between seasons so she can re-charge her battery and also for the show so we aren't all at Square One next season.

But I also think Hannah is having issues with Adam being happy. She admired more of the guy who was carefree and did what Hannah did with GQ, abruptly leaving that stage show in Season 1 because he just wasn't feeling it. But now he has the artist bragging rights and it is killing her and Adam knows it.

Also, I am also the opinion, whatever goes down for Shosh will have her be sort of molding her into who Hannah was in Season 1. She is just as naive, just as much of a chatterbox, but when she is mad she can be just biting.

I've given up on Caroline returning this season. Gaby Hoffmann is a busy woman now! I'd kind of love it if she was living with Laird the whole time and that was the reveal of where she went.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#90HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/18/14 at 7:56pm

"I've given up on Caroline returning this season. Gaby Hoffmann is a busy woman now! I'd kind of love it if she was living with Laird the whole time and that was the reveal of where she went. "

Oh, man. That would be *perfect*!

strummergirl Profile Photo
#91HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/18/14 at 8:08pm

For the three of us who view this Girls thread. Of course my first time on Girls Reddit board I got a major spoiler. How spoiler-y? HBO accidentally leaked the finale's Inside the Episode online (and still up and I have watched it multiple times). Not everything is there, of course as it is 30 minutes of TV in 3 minutes, but.... there are things talked about.


Marnie does kiss Desi. Clementine finds out and publicly eviscerates and attacks Desi out in the street. Marnie hides, upset, realizing she made a mistake. She's heartbroken in a different way. She tells Elijah about this kiss before the Clementine run-in, it appears. Elijah quips she is 'gonna regret it', not at all impressed though he also is crushing on Desi so w/e. Nothing about her and Ray, not explicitly, but it is noted she is getting closer and more honest with her friends, according to Dunham.

Dunham notes it is probably not the last we have seen of Desi. Possibly.

Shosh indeed got flagged and it did effect her graduation. She is not graduating and got flagged for something. Dunham is vague, the viewer obviously finds out in the episode context, but given what she notes about studying and trying to maintain a plan: I would say cheating (plagiarism, most likely) and/or failing did her in. She definitely overlooked something. Nothing explicitly said but that was what her meltdown was about. Marnie visits her after such a meltdown, it appears. The episode summary does make note that she possibly reveals or 'divulges a secret' that most likely points to telling Shosh that she and Ray were together at an 'inopportune time', personally, for Shoshanna.

Jessa does help BD with the drugs. It's in pill form. This is a friendship. I hope LouLou Lasser returns, if she is indeed alive by episode's end.

Shoshanna tearfully talks to Ray but he is 'not available' to her anymore according to Dunham. This does not exactly answer the question of Ray's availability also being a matter of him being with another girl (like Marnie) or not. Ray appears to just want to talk and Shosh doesn't want quite that. They seem to have more than one exchange. Cut of them with people, like Marnie and Elijah in the background (as in Desi talk), and after when the party, guessing it is related to the play's opening night, appears over.

Hannah totally did have a plan. She got into the Iowa Writer's Workshop. BOOM.

Okay, I was not expecting that and am incredibly curious how this goes for the show's whole future. I would be really surprised if this is just another opportunity for Hannah self-sabotaging. I think Dunham has always been set with Hannah as a writer and there is no way that program is going to be getting the treatment of the way Hannah's other stops along the way are treated. I just am curious as how this will effect how the show will be written.

Adam appears a bit bummed by this decision. Hannah thinks this will be a good move for their relationship as equal partners and artists but, like most things, it does not go it as planned as it did in her head.


Dunham had no intention of this episode as a wrap-up but new questions develop and questions simmering through episodes and this season still remain.

Updated On: 3/23/14 at 08:08 PM

strummergirl Profile Photo
#92HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/23/14 at 11:04pm

"I've given up on Caroline returning this season. Gaby Hoffmann is a busy woman now! I'd kind of love it if she was living with Laird the whole time and that was the reveal of where she went. "

And WOW. I am even shocked by how much I got this correct and then the show just kept on GOING.

Congrats to Laird, Caroline, and their undoubtedly crazy baby to be.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#93HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/24/14 at 1:29pm

Ha, at the start of the episode, no less! Good call (and I loved it.)

I liked the finale a lot--but I kinda wish there had been some way to integrate Jessa's story, at the least, with the other ones more.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#94HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/24/14 at 5:55pm

I'll say that I really cannot see a way to give Jessa an in back into the show's world without her being a mess, much like I am very forgiving of the fact Marnie's storyline had a pretty rough road because Chris Abbott left the show. Jemima Kirke had to be written out temporarily because she had a kid. I could not really see how they could have her be clean considering her character history, so her on the outs in rehab and lying to nearly everybody, including her friends, to get the hell out of there, felt consistent. It is really hard to write an non-repenting ex-junkie who makes no apologies for what she has done. So they give her responsibilities that she destroys, signs that she has isolated herself quite a bit, and relapses. Her recovery intersecting with working for Beadie, only to be caught in a can of moral and ethical worms by an assisted suicide attempt is actually I think a pretty interesting road for her. If Beadie lives, I could see Jessa caught in a legal quandary, no matter what Beadie says in her defense. And then what for Jessa? Who is going to be her character witness? That being the cliff-hanger for that character felt right. I really hope they follow through on her implications. This isn't marriage or even reproductive choice. She finally obeyed and was helpful to somebody and we never saw her reconsider her options in those moments where Beadie is demanding her right to live. Jessa jumps at the phone even when that is probably going to lead to her being in even deeper ****.

I would say Shoshanna is a case where I am not incredibly sure if her fate was originally tied to characters because this just happened to be where she had the most to do. I think people are putting too much stock in Marnie noting that Shosh's balance of sexual activity and schoolwork did her in. Let's remember she also was babysitting Jessa and Jessa's rehab friend.

I do like that with both Shoshanna and Marnie, the show rejects both of their desires to have their comforts be tied to love interests. It is pretty admirable that their stability is not tied to a significant other and that their idea of such is actually pretty unhealthy and not very realistic motivations. To me that makes sense for why both of those characters would think that, with Marnie's character history and Shosh's clear obsession with what lady magazines tell her.

I liked the mirror situation of Season 1 where Hannah unconsciously made a move that Adam took as an affront to their relationship and both had to do with where Hannah lives and their relationship. It is clear Hannah meant no harm in telling Adam she got into the Iowa Writer's Workshop, but I do think she has been unquestionably driven by being in competition with him. Her parents don't think Adam deserves her so, of course, they are not even going to question it as are her friends who feel the same way- except maybe Shosh who Adam opened up to when he told her Hannah was his best friend.

I like that Ray made no declaration or showed any jealousy or thought of the Marnie-Desi situation. Whatever is driving his desire with Marnie is unrelated to Shosh but he also seemed to care about Marnie despite the fact these two were never interested in revealing they ever happened. To me there still seems some there there for next season. Or maybe this is the 'shipper side of me showing. I still think they oddly function as an ex-couple than vague acquaintances. Anyway, Ray and Adam for roommates next season.

Marnie seemed comfortable with revealing herself and Ray as it was some self-acquittal but, obviously, that did not go as well as planned. She also probably ruined her entry into the music business but not knowing when just not to talk. Desi was inevitable and Clementine was exactly what I figured she would be like. But, I don't think Marnie saw Ray as Shosh's ex, actually. They knew each other before either ever knew Shoshanna. There seems to be a considerable amount of unsaid character history. Also, I would like an explanation for why Ray and Charlie are also not on speaking terms around the exact same time Charlie and Marnie are on the outs. Could just be Charlie is just now erased, but I am in full crack-theory mode that Marnie was still not very honest to everyone about her Charlie break-up. Why that release of the vanity video? I am fine with the Marnie story-line as the show seems incredibly self-aware of her flaws but I still want her working with Soojin and write extremely twee songs, without Desi, in Season 4.

Updated On: 3/24/14 at 05:55 PM

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#95HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/24/14 at 8:28pm

I agree with a lot of that, and will try to come back and write more later.

Re Jessa--I actually somehow didn't realize the actress was out with a baby for some of the season. I did like where she came for the final episodes--I would have liked to have seen her and Beadie interact in *one* more episode--but I know Girls often just jumps into a character or story and shouldn't expect that. And of course it makes sense that her friends, while slightly concerned (excepting Sho to an extent) would be pretty unaware and she would be isolated from them. It's hard, especially for a 30 minute show to keep the stories feeling real but also interrelated. (Would Beadie and what happens to her have any repercussions to Marnie and the art gallery?)

I think the Desi character with Marnie is done, personally, but I'm not sure I get the feeling the show does. We'll see. (I also still wonder if that guy from Hannah's work will pop back up.)

strummergirl Profile Photo
#96HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/24/14 at 8:55pm

Dunham noted it is probably not the last seen of Desi, but I can easily see that going in the way of: He steals Marnie's song or dares sing that song with another girl, trying to take credit. Usually Marnie's instincts about men often blow up in her face later.

I definitely wished the show was an hour. Like the two-part premiere, which felt of one-piece, Dunham directed both and the stories were tied to 'Get Jessa out of rehab', made me really think that was perhaps a test run in that direction. Don't think it will happen, but I do like that there were more episodes. I honestly cannot imagine what would've been cut in 2 less episodes.

If Beadie lives, I definitely still want her and Jessa still close even if there is a lot of issues raised by what happened. Jessa getting a surrogate family, though we have never seen or met her birth mother on the show, seems in-keeping and I can think that maybe Beadie pushing the idea of mortality on her may have had some impact on her. I also want a Mary Kay Place guest-spot secured because I want a Mary Hartman Mary Hartman reunion.

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#97HBO'S Girls
Posted: 3/25/14 at 8:25am

Congrats to Laird, Caroline, and their undoubtedly crazy baby to be.

I wondered if she's even pregnant. Maybe it's wishful thinking on her part or she was trying to pull another one over Hannah. Caroline is crazy and prone to tell stories.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

HorseTears Profile Photo
#98HBO'S Girls
Posted: 1/14/15 at 3:52am

Is there another thread going for 2015? I can't find it. SH*Tty search function on this site.

Anyway, loved practically everything about ep 1 of the new season. Rita Wilson was cracking me up.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#99HBO'S Girls
Posted: 1/14/15 at 7:35pm

Excellent premiere. Great, subtle callback to the opening scene of the show's inception. I love that now Adam ends up getting exactly what an actor who looks like Adam Driver would be type-cast in out of the gate. I like that the show finally shows Hannah as mature but uncertain. When the show makes that type of leap in a direction where all of the characters have to be separated and find if not walk down the path of their niche, we have to believe they can survive in the wild. Hannah, I think she could be okay. As can Adam. Marnie? Well.... In fairness, brunch in Brooklyn probably is a nightmare.

I remember noticing Allison Williams getting a lot of flack by seemingly being by contractual obligation not exposing her breasts even if she's had her share of explicit sex scenes. Well, then. She was just in one of the most explicit scenes in the show's history. That's saying something.

I've warmed up to Williams as the most improved player on the show. It's that the moment she started hanging out with Ray- which goes back to Season 2, mind you- that she became an actual human and not coming off so overly desperate with Charlie, a void who seems to be on Christopher Abbott never wanting to be on the show. Now, Desi just strikes me as a long line of Marnie types: The artist. Charlie and Booth before. Even Ray was in some MFA program right? I'd also say a lot them ultimately have enjoyed their time most with Marnie when they are leading the relationship. Possible exception Ray. I'm also shipping those two... HUSH. So Clementine being apologetic to Marnie about her going after her doesn't feel like letting Marnie off the hook but show that Desi is a master manipulator. Who possibly led Clementine to believe she's in the wrong? Desi. Watch out, Marnie. You're not the first nor last.

Although I wished Bedi and Jessa had more of their on-screen relationship together, their little moment before Bedi gets whisked away, by her Natasha 'Unconshable' Lyonne, to Connecticut was so sweet.

Ana Gasteyer as Shosh's mom makes so much sense from the moment it was announced. She delivered. Also well thought out to have Anthony Edwards as the chilled Type B dad who, of course, is surrounded by neurotic Type As.

Great to see Andrew Rannells again. I actually think his role in the episode shows show growth. The whole brunch scene is painful but in ways where instead of seeing somebody like Marnie self-immolate, we find the hostility in her environment oppressive. Elijah has empathy but also wants her to buck up. We are probably seeing her realize this isn't just a gesture but a career path and she begins to notice every little thing. She cannot have that eat her. And that is his advice even if it comes off as irreverently undercutting the best gay friend type. Danny Strong's Pal has that type on lockdown with the Lisas. I'm ignoring Danny Strong's sudden ubiquity, and chalk it up as him possibly joining Scientology, but I like that the show when softening its characters from certain Brooklyn or millennial types ancillary characters slide in and often serve as comment to how, 'Hey, this character was kinda that character a year ago'.
