
Since Scientology is in the news again.....- Page 2

Since Scientology is in the news again.....

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#25Since Scientology is in the news, again.....
Posted: 7/15/12 at 11:36am

Phyllis, I agree. If Eric's NEW YORKER link is even partially correct, then Scientology has gone far beyond what Christian churches have done, at least since the 18th century.

Sorry, I meant to make that clear. My only point was that the "shunning" is pretty common, especially among newer groups.

#26Since Scientology is in the news, again.....
Posted: 7/15/12 at 11:39am

The New York article was thoroughly vetted before publication. Long-time observers really didn't find anything new in the article, just different names of the adherents who left and the spokespeople who vilified them.

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#27Since Scientology is in the news, again.....
Posted: 7/16/12 at 2:16pm

And my point is that the "shunning" in Scientology is still different, as it is doctrine. I'm as anit-religion as they come, but even though I acknowledge that a lot churches share identifying characteristics with cults, they're not the kind of cult that Scientology is.

Updated On: 7/16/12 at 02:16 PM

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#28Since Scientology is in the news, again.....
Posted: 7/16/12 at 5:32pm

The New York article was thoroughly vetted before publication. Long-time observers really didn't find anything new in the article, just different names of the adherents who left and the spokespeople who vilified them.

Thanks, Namo. I didn't mean to actually question the article. I merely used the conditional because I haven't personally confirmed the claims of the author. I certainly trust that you know better on this subject.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#29Since Scientology is in the news, again.....
Posted: 7/16/12 at 5:36pm

Phyllis, I don't understand your point. "Shunning" isn't "doctrine" among the Amish? It's a very strong custom if not doctrine, strong enough to tear biological families apart. The same is true of the Unification Church and even some Orthodox Jewish groups, by all accounts I've read.

(I am asking a sincere question as to what you believe to be the difference, just in case it isn't clear from my post above.)

DISCLAIMER: I have no ties to or personal involvement with the Church of Scientology. I'm just curious, not here to defend the institution.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#30Since Scientology is in the news, again.....
Posted: 7/16/12 at 5:54pm

Yes, the Amish do shun.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#31Since Scientology is in the news, again.....
Posted: 7/16/12 at 6:55pm

As do some other groups. What seems to distinguish Scientology per the NEW YORKER article is the forceable confinement of members, including those at some of the highest ranks. (Not to mention the periodic outbursts and incidents of violence from the head of the church.)

A lot of new groups are accused of imprisoning would-be apostates, but it's often hard to tell what is physical coercion v. what is intense social pressure. But (a) Scientology isn't that new any more and (b) they seem to be jailing members in good standing, who have no intention of leaving. (Not that trying to leave justifies confinement; it's just that Scientology seems capriciously sadistic.)

thetinymagic2 Profile Photo
#32Since Scientology is in the news, again.....
Posted: 7/16/12 at 7:17pm

Imho, "shunning" is NEVER good. Anyway, I think if you re-read the link I provided on the original post re: Hubbard's bio and Sara Hollister bio, you will gather lots of "factual" info garnered from various (on WIKI,) legit journalism sources over the decades. The man was a racist, wife beater, kidnapper and more. The only diff between "Scientology news" then and now, is that, thanks to the internet, it's waaaaay harder to keep the goings on legally and otherwise, under wraps.

Oh, and let's not forget that "Oprah Guru Guy". Need I say more? Even a zillionaire like Oprah etc. is duped into promoting these dangerous idiots. Be your own "guru" COMMON SENSE. Again, imho


Updated On: 7/16/12 at 07:17 PM

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#33Since Scientology is in the news, again.....
Posted: 7/16/12 at 10:47pm

Again, I'm not defending the practice of shunning. I just thought somebody was arguing that Scientology's shunning was worse than that of others and I was trying to understand.

As for the guy with the sweat lodge in Sedona, words fail me.

For research projects, I've tried fasting and extreme exercise and similar experiments in consciousness alteration; but nothing that was life threatening. That just strikes me as crazy.

thetinymagic2 Profile Photo
#34Since Scientology is in the news, again.....
Posted: 7/16/12 at 10:58pm

Oh, don't mind me...I'm really opinionated on certain subjects. And there have been many tragic outcomes re "cults

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#35Since Scientology is in the news, again.....
Posted: 7/18/12 at 3:43am

I don't mind you at all, tiny. Your list seems to use "body count" as a primary criterion.

Seems fair to me.
