
Priscilla Queen of The Desert Tour- How is it?- Page 2

Priscilla Queen of The Desert Tour- How is it?

#25Priscilla Queen of The Desert Tour- How is it?
Posted: 2/25/13 at 2:50pm

Saw the show Saturday night at Shea's in Buffalo and LOVED IT, too! I really wanted to go back Sunday but it just didn't work out.

I really enjoyed the pacing, the acting, the energy. Everyone was on top of their game and living every moment of it. I think there were a few small technical glitches Saturday night. At one point the bus appeared to be stuck in the 'forward facing the audience' position. And during a song in Act Two, you could hear the divas singing (ALL AMAZING VOICES!), but you couldn't see them. Then finally they dropped down.

I love that this show has heart, too. I've always loved 'We Belong,' but never thought of it as a 'gay anthem' until now. Just beautiful.

Curious for others who saw it in Buffalo how the audiences were for the shows you attended. Apparently Tuesdays audience just ate it up. I sit in the balcony and was a bit surprised to see so many empty seats (especially for a Saturday night). Although Shea's is also a huge theatre. The audience seemed a little quiet at first but was definitely loving it and getting all the jokes by the end. And the Finale/Curtain Call was fun with lots of cheering and love.

BroomstickBoy Profile Photo
#26Priscilla Queen of The Desert Tour- How is it?
Posted: 3/10/13 at 4:47pm

I saw the tour this afternoon in Pittsburgh. I had the best time! It's such a great show. Wade, Bryan, and Scott are all wonderful. Wade has such boundless energy, I loved watching him (the fact that I have the biggest crush on him aside, he was my favorite). Bryan and Scott are hilarious together, throwing barbs back and forth. The Divas and the ensemble were in top form. And the audience was the best. All these season ticket holders (in more ways that one, all ages were in attendance) who you wouldn't think would enjoy it, they ATE IT UP. They, like me, just loved every minute of it. Best afternoon at the theatre.

I don't WANT to live in what they call "a certain way." In the first place I'd be no good at it and besides that I don't want to be identified with any one class of people. I want to live every whichway, among all kinds---and know them---and understand them---and love them---THAT's what I want! - Philip Barry (Holiday)

DEClarke Profile Photo
#27Priscilla Queen of The Desert Tour- How is it?
Posted: 3/11/13 at 5:23pm

BroomstickBoy, I'm glad to hear that it is playing so well and that its appealing to the wide ranges of audiences. I fear for it in my neck of the woods, Houston, TX.

As a reviewer, the night I go will most likely be the same night of the OUT@TUTS event, which means the audience I see it with will LOVE it for sure. But... it's the rest of the run that I worry about.

Wade is fantastic. I got to meet him after seeing TRIASSIC PARQ. He, myself, and my wife chatted for at least an hour. He is so sincere, sweet, and charming. I look forward to getting to interview him for the Houston page on BroadwayWorld and seeing him after the show in Houston!
