
Racial Stereotyping in VANYA & SONIA...- Page 2

Racial Stereotyping in VANYA & SONIA...

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#25Racial Stereotyping in VANYA & SONIA...
Posted: 6/21/13 at 8:09am

PalJoey, can you explain why aaronb is totally offbase? What he says make perfect sense to me.

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#26Racial Stereotyping in VANYA & SONIA...
Posted: 6/21/13 at 8:12am

Here's a desciription of a "magical negro" from TVTropes.com. You certainly can argue that this character is NOT a magical negro, but calling those who feel it is way off base makes no sense.

"one will step forward to help a "normal" person, with their pure heart and folksy wisdom"

"They are usually black and/or poor, but may come from another oppressed minority. They step...into the life of the much more privileged (and, in particular, almost always white) central character and, in some way, enrich that central character's life."

"With such deep spiritual wisdom (and sometimes — though not always — actual supernatural powers)"

Updated On: 6/21/13 at 08:12 AM

newintown Profile Photo
#27Racial Stereotyping in VANYA & SONIA...
Posted: 6/21/13 at 8:59am

This thread suddenly feels like a conversation in a Masters-level English class at a state college.

#28Racial Stereotyping in VANYA & SONIA...
Posted: 6/21/13 at 9:20am

The character could have been played by an actress of any race (and surely will be when this goes regional), and the producers could have easily protected themselves by casting a white (Swedish would be extra funny) actress for the part. But I doubt they could have found an actress as good as Grant and wouldn't it have been unfair to deny the best actress the opportunity to star on Broadway because of her race?
