
Ticket says "Cast House"?- Page 2

Ticket says "Cast House"?

The Glenbuck Laird Profile Photo
The Glenbuck Laird
#25Ticket says
Posted: 1/24/15 at 8:33am

Bettyboy says

'That ticket gets you backstage to Alan and Emma for champagne and caviar. Sorry you missed out on that.'

He he, very early entry into this years post of the year competition. I salute you

haterobics Profile Photo
#26Ticket says
Posted: 1/24/15 at 9:09am

"Loganberry, needs to verify with Roundabout that there is NOT a charge to the relative's charge account for the fourth ticket, that wasn't requested, ordered and used by their party. Just because it isn't on the original charge, doesn't mean there isn't a second charge floating around somewhere. I would be doing EXACTLY the same thing. It's called taking care of your business. Ignoring the situation, only leads to aggravation down the road."

Why would Roundabout need to be involved to check one's own credit card statement? I'm all for taking care of one's business, but efficiently.

#27Ticket says
Posted: 1/24/15 at 7:49pm

Because the charge may not hit his account for several days (can be up to 45). By calling Roundabout now, they can detail the facts to their billing department, since they only saw the show a couple of days ago. Roundabout, would be able to verify that it was indeed just placed in their envelope by mistake and there was not an extra charge on the account. If you wait till the charge hits the card, then it becomes a dispute and can take up to sixty days to get the charge removed, especially if there is something questionable. It is more efficient in these matters, to take a preventative measure then a wait and see what happens measure.

#27Ticket says
Posted: 1/24/15 at 7:49pm

Double post Updated On: 1/24/15 at 07:49 PM
