
George Clooney is coming to Broadway. - Page 2

George Clooney is coming to Broadway.

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#25George Clooney is coming to Broadway.
Posted: 5/14/24 at 9:06am

Playbill_Trash said: "A “Shubert Theatre yet to be announced” with a huge Hollywood name sounds like Scott Rudin is working his magic again….."

Then you must be mishearing things.

Seaview, Sue Wagner, John Johnson, Jean Doumanian, and Robert Fox are the lead producers.

These are all producers with ties to Shubert and a track record of producing limited-run plays with stars. 

Rudin was not the first or last to do that. (and he fired the two of those people who used to work on his shows)

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#26George Clooney is coming to Broadway.
Posted: 5/14/24 at 9:13am

BWAY Baby2 said: "None of these major stars are doing it for the money- they are all extremely rich. They are doing it, most likely, for the challenge, the prestige and the accolades- being the toast of BWAY in a he sell out hit- which can do wonders for the ego and for the next possible career move."

Let's not pretend that they aren't being paid handsomely! (for commercial productions at least –– it's a different story for Carell and RDJ at the nonprofits)

Yes it's a small fraction of what they'd get on a film, but Clooney will undoubtedly be earning north of 100K a week, plus advances/option payments, as the star, the playwright, and the source material.

This also strikes me as the type of middlebrow play that's going to be done at every single regional and community theatre.

#27George Clooney is coming to Broadway.
Posted: 5/22/24 at 7:53pm

so only thing i've read is 2025, nothing on when tickets will be announced for sale? do they have a theatre yet?
