
'The Opposite of Sex': Get In and Shut Up -- This Girl is Taking You on a White-Knuckle Ride Past Love -- Page 2

'The Opposite of Sex': Get In and Shut Up -- This Girl is Taking You on a White-Knuckle Ride Past Love -

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#25re: 'The Opposite of Sex': Get In and Shut Up -- This Girl is Taking You o
Posted: 10/12/04 at 1:40pm

I don't have headphones at work, so couldn't really listen since the volume varies so much. I'll try again at home.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

ckeaton Profile Photo
#26re: 'The Opposite of Sex': Get In and Shut Up -- This Girl is Taking You o
Posted: 10/12/04 at 2:24pm

The second part of the clip has John Bolton front and center. He's fantastic. He's fresh from Geva Theatre in Rochester, NY doing the world premiere of Gregg Coffin's wonderful new musical "Five Course Love".

Hamlet's father.

xanado_girl Profile Photo
#27re: 'The Opposite of Sex': Get In and Shut Up -- This Girl is Taking You o
Posted: 10/12/04 at 11:19pm

I saw the second preview performance (the night they filmed the footage for the online clip) and liked it alot. However, it is just getting started and they definately have alot of work to do to get it ready for NYC. I think they will probably cut some of the songs and make quite a few revisions. I acknowlege that this show is not be for everyone, it is probably best suited for off-broadway. I have a feeling that it will have some major fans but not find wide spread success (similar to the success of Bat Boy.)

"Is it your booty? Is that what it is? Is it that booty of yours? I hope it is!"-Zanna, Don't!

Cutielyricist Profile Photo
#28re: 'The Opposite of Sex': Get In and Shut Up -- This Girl is Taking You o
Posted: 10/25/04 at 10:37pm

I saw it last weekend as they started putting the new things in. I gotta say, I loved it. "I've got news for you" was one of the funniest openings ive seen in a while. The script is right when it says "things get very complicated very quickly" By the time the opening has gone by..so much has happened you dont know what to watch anymore.. The cast was amazing, specifically Kerry and Karen who where given the best material to work with. My favorite songs were " destiny" , " i'd rather die" "normal life" and "I'de sooner die" oh yeah..and "dead ex lover" the script seemed like it was almost lifted from the movie..could have used a bit more jokes and differences..but all in all very very good..
its going to take a little work before it heads out..specificaly in the backstory..about Tom and and the relationships between everyone..and maybe made a little more uh...rompy..but all in all this show is in amazing shape and I cant wait to see it again.
