Gin/Wild (Patinkin)

#25re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 9:56pm

people like us is simply brilliant.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#26re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 9:56pm

And Tonya does well in Love Ain't Nothin

#27re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 9:59pm

"takin' care of the ladies, i take care of myself..."

Thenardier Profile Photo
#28re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:02pm

I also like the D'Armano Brothers songs (Uptown and Little MMM)

Imagine combining Lippa's Character songs with LaChiusa's styalized musical description of the party...

I think Lippa introduces some characters well - but not all of them.

But nothing Lippa wrote really compares with LaChiusa's overall aspect of the party. I feel like I am re-writing my review (in my blog).

Which is good, cause when I wrote that review, I had only listened to LaChiusa's once through and Lippa's (which I got first) many times through.

Now I listen to LaChiusa's all the time.

#29re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:08pm

lippa's doesn't come close to la's.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#30re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:11pm

No, I am referring to things left out...sort of.

I have to say though, I like Lippa's introduction of the characters to the party (What a Party) and introduction of Madaleine True (An Old-Fashioned Love Story).

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#31re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:13pm

The reason that Lippa's is wildly inferior is that there is no character development. LaChiusa presents everybody perfectly. Background, history, etc. Lippa just introduces a character and lets them slink off into the background.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#32re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:15pm

So true.

I would like to know why, in both versions, Ms. True disappears...unless that's how it is in the book....I haven't gottne it yet....and only read what I could on Amazon...

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#33re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:17pm

The only thing that I really like about Lippa's version is that it introduced us to the fabulous Julia Murney.

#34re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:17pm

and the whole score just evokes the seedy 20's jazz feeling. lippa's is 21st century pop.
Updated On: 4/3/05 at 10:17 PM

#35re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:18pm


Thenardier Profile Photo
#36re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:19pm

I liek both versions.

But la's def is better.

Again, Lippa's introduction of madalaine true i like better

#37re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:20pm

yeah. i like old fashioned love story better than like sally. this is true.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#38re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:22pm

I do wonder why Jackie got so much emphasis in La's but almost none in Lippa's....

#39re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:24pm

yeah, that is strange. i thought he was more of a burrs foil in la's. whereas in li's he treats the four leads against each other. but la gave more emphasis to each character.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#40re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:25pm

same with gold and goldberg, d'armano brothers, and dolores....I think dolores and the brothers were mentioned like once (on the CD) in What a Party

#41re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:26pm

I'm not sure if you know this from the recording but in Lippa's version Jackie has no tongue. He got it cut out. I forget what he did. But he has his own dance. You don't see much of him because he has no lines.

#42re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:27pm

yup. i completely agree. i think la's is so under-appreciated because people just like lippa's 21st century accessible score better.

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#43re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:30pm

But Lippa's version will never bring tears to your eyes. True, you have to work for it with LaChiusa, but is that such a bad thing? No!

I will always have that lump in my throat and have the hair on the back of my neck stand up when the opening notes of "People Like Us" swell and Queenie sings, "I always wanted to see the lights of Broadway/I always wanted to hear the traffic roar/I always wanted to be a part/Of New York City's great big heart/And now I am/How could I ask for..."

#44re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:32pm

i heart you mef.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#45re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:33pm

My hairs stand on end when Queenie screams out in the Finale just before Burrs gets...."attcked"

Not to ruin it

#46re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:34pm

I would just like to say how much I love reading this thread. I want to contribute more, but you folks have articlated my thoughts for me already very well :)

#47re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:37pm

comma, we would love to hear your opinions on the two shows! the ending brought me to tears. i feel myself collapsing when i hear it on the recording. toni's "this is what it is, to live in light." at the end.
oh. my. god.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#48re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:38pm

I must also say I like the reprise of Life of the party in Li's version....

#49re: Gin/Wild (Patinkin)
Posted: 4/3/05 at 10:49pm

yes. i mean, li's score is enjoyable. but i think the only thing that challenges you as an audience member is poor child. that starts to reach the heights that la's does, but it's not enough, you know? but the score is very enjoyable.
