
Who here has seen PRINCESSES?- Page 2

Who here has seen PRINCESSES?

#25re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/7/05 at 5:55pm

It amazes me the extreme negativity that abounds here on these boards, especially when most people who have opinions have no clue as to the inner workings of most of the projects they are commenting on. To hear people say that they hope something "doesn't do well on Broadway" or thinks they should "let something die" absolutely disgusts me. I happen to be very involved with this particular show, Princesses, and I can tell you that it is something that a lot of people have absolutely poured their hearts and souls and talent into for almost 6 years now. To hear all of these people slam it over and over again after seeing one presentation of it, that was maybe 2 hours, long saddens me. In an industry as difficult and frustrating as this one is, maybe just a little more support and positive thinking is necessary. I understand that not everyone is meant to like absolutely everything they see, but please don't try to discourage other people from liking it or supporting it. Try to remember that actual human beings work on these shows, and to please have respect for someone who is smart and talented enough to have gotten an original show this far already. Princesses may not be Sweeney Todd or Jesus Christ Superstar, but it will lure a lot of young girls into the theatre who have never been there before. It will create theatre fans out of these young girls, who will eventually grow up to support Broadway and keep it alive. Shows like this exist not to be Pulitzer Prize winners, but to ENTERTAIN, which was the original purpose of musical theatre. Not every show needs to be a life changing experience. I personally hope Princesses makes it, not just for my own sake, but because Broadway needs all the support it can get from as many different people as possible.

adamized88 Profile Photo
#26re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/7/05 at 6:36pm

i don't have tome to write a full review but i saw it last november and LOVED it - it needed work - but it was well on its way

"Nothing is an accident, We are free to have it all, We are what we want to be, It's in ourselves to rise or fall!!" - "Fortune Favors the Brave" from Aida - the love that never died

#27re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/7/05 at 8:38pm

i havent seen the show, but how is jenny fellner in it? i met her on her last day of mamma-mia and was all crying and she told us she was doing the show princesses, and we're like "oh, we'll definitely go see you in it!" so now i feel obligated!!!!

and btw adamized888, LOVE the icon! :) lol
