Who here has seen PRINCESSES?

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#0Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 9/24/05 at 12:08am

If you saw PRINCESSES what did you think?

Demitri2 Profile Photo
#1re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 9/24/05 at 8:00am

I saw the very last performance in Seattle. I was highly disappointed in the show. The story was very predictable and contrived. I was unimpressed with the music and most disappointed by the choreography since I loved the choreographer's work in "Thoroughly Modern Millie". Overall the show was BLAND. There were no highlights for me. It just went on and on and as for the father/daughter relationship...you've seen it all before. On the plus side...the sets and costumes were great. You could see a lot of money was spent on the show so I doubt it will fold. The reviews here were tepid at best. I really wanted to like the show but it just wasn't very good.

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#2re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 9/24/05 at 1:33pm

You are wrong. Rob Ashford was the choreographer for BOTH Millie and Princesses.

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

thesparklingdiamond Profile Photo
#3re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 9/24/05 at 2:07pm

I've seen it. I like it. think its cute, but it needs work in some spots. Which according to that variety article from a week or so ago, is happening. Apparently at this point the plan is still for it to make it to broadway although they still don't have a theatre. There was also a pic of the cast in the NY times new season section in the paper a week or so ago. I guess we'll have to wait and see if it makes it or not...

#4re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 9/24/05 at 2:10pm

I liked the little video they had of it. Looked like it had some potential.

EDIT: I'm just not sure what theater it would play on Bway. Nothing really seems a good fit for it. Updated On: 9/24/05 at 02:10 PM

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#5re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 9/24/05 at 2:35pm

I know that they're very intent on it making it to Broadway. Perhaps in the Palace? Has anyone gotten that theatre once All Shook Up closes?

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#6re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 9/24/05 at 3:49pm

Lestat is likely for the Palace. I saw Princesses, and thought it was amateur at best. They would be smart to let it die. It would be eaten alive by NYC critics.

#7re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 9/24/05 at 4:00pm

I dunno, I think it had enough good moments to survive on Broadway. I just don't see it "fitting" anywhere. Most theaters seem to big for it, but others seem to small. I would think the Virgina would be the best fit, but its seems like most shows go there to die.

erikrokks Profile Photo
#8re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 9/27/05 at 10:08am

I saw Princesses and I actually thought it was pretty good. Of course a show in that stage of the game has a lot of things to improve upon and add/delete, but it was entertaining. I thought all of the female performers had amazing voices, although the 2 males did absolutely nothing for me. If they could only change one thing, they should take out the male love interest (can't remember his name) who looked like a combo of Justin Timberlake/Gerardo/Danny Zuko. His part was completely pointless and over the top. I'll keep my fingers crossed for this one.

"You act like you're cleaner than the Board of Heath, but you're just a fame ho just like me. You know it...and you LOVE it!" -Paradice to Brooklyn

ChenoInTraining Profile Photo
#9re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/3/05 at 5:35pm

I saw it, I wanted to like it, but it was bogus. Your right about the romance bit, it was some horrible clique with him dancing on the bed and girls dancing in what look like stripper cages behind him. The female acting was decent but i whole heartedly agree about the males. LAME. I hope for their sake it doesnt go to broadway. Speaking of which, i was jsut looking to see if they had found a theatre but no one seems to know, Anyone hear anything?

It's good to see me isnt it!

Flaunt It
#10re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/3/05 at 5:43pm

Rob ashford's choreography is the pits... EXCEPT MILLIE... which makes me think his colaborators on MILLIE have more to do with the success of Millie than Rob did.

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#11re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/3/05 at 7:52pm

Yes, I've seen it, and I pretty much agree with other people here in that it was not good at all. It did have a couple of catchy tunes, but overall it was not good. A word for it would be "entertaining" for various reasons, but I can't imagine this show making it to Broadway.


sadiem100 Profile Photo
#12re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/5/05 at 10:32pm

I saw it. I liked it, and I thought it was cute. Of course, like everyone has said, there were things to work on and such. The female leads were very strong, but the whole boyfriend character either needs to be eliminated or made into a much more 3-d character. There were some catchy songs. I hope it does well on Broadway.

"Electricity sparks inside of me... and I'm free, I'm free."

#13re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/5/05 at 11:57pm

Is this a first time composer? Anyone remember the link to the website with the video on it? For Seattle?

Also, I think its safe to say I would count this show out of the running for this season. Maybe it could take the Eugene O'neil, I don't see Sweeny lasting until next season. Not saying it can't, just saying I just dont think it will. Updated On: 12/5/05 at 11:57 PM

sadiem100 Profile Photo
#14re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/6/05 at 12:01am

Hold on I'm going to try to find the video. I had it in my favorites just for something like this but they may have taken it off the web. Damn.

"Electricity sparks inside of me... and I'm free, I'm free."

sadiem100 Profile Photo
#15re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/6/05 at 12:03am

NEVERMIND! It's definitely there.


"Electricity sparks inside of me... and I'm free, I'm free."

#16re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/6/05 at 12:10am

Thanks for the link!

Seems like it would work better as a movie-musical.

#17re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/6/05 at 12:12am

Oh, Princesses. Saw it in Seattle. The actors certainly gave their best to the material they were given. The set was crazy cool, and that tango and the song with the 3 girls were great, but everything else...meh.

I was so embarassed during "Just Say Yes." I couldn't watch.

It'd be a nice show for high schools though, as long as that song was cut out. Lots of girls, ONE guy (because the boyfriend, of course, would be cut, because it's like, "We're going to talk about him! Oh look, second act, he shows up for a scene and one horrendous song! Now he's GONE!"

And with a name like Storm...heh.

#18re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/6/05 at 12:13am

"It'd be a nice show for high schools though"

Yes, completely agree!

Wow - the song just came on. That was horrible. And the actor was bad...whiny. Though, it is a pop song! Updated On: 12/6/05 at 12:13 AM

#19re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/6/05 at 12:25am

HAHA - I love the people at the end:

"Another Hairspray"

"We're from Ohio - and we loved it!"

And, oh no - this show is gonna produce a lot of tweens singing the songs!

#20re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/6/05 at 12:28am

I made it through two minutes of that video link before closing it in pain. Ouch. Truly awful.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#21re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/6/05 at 1:21am

About Storm, the guy who played the boyfriend, in his bio it said he was featured in the movie "sleepover". I rented the movie and watched it JUST to see who he was, because it seemed as though he had no prior acting experience. It turned out he was just a model in the movie, didn't even have lines. I found that hilarious. I agree, the one song with the 3 girls, "What a Drag" I think it was called, was really good, but the rest was...

#22re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/6/05 at 1:34am

ooops didnt mean to post.. lol awkward Updated On: 12/6/05 at 01:34 AM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#23re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/6/05 at 6:24am

Watch that video, and tell me you still want to see the show. Watching that video made me remember how painful the show was.

#24re: Who here has seen PRINCESSES?
Posted: 12/6/05 at 4:37pm

Ha, yeah after watching the video I'd still go to see it. Bad professional theater is always fun. Its harder sitting through a bad high school production because nobody can carry a tune. But in professional theater most everyone is actually good, so that makes it all the more entertaining.

EDIT: I think the best question for this show is "So what?" I think all great theater has a purpose and a meaning its trying to deliver to this audience. But I just don't understand why I should care about a school of girls who puts on a musicl of "a little princess"? That doesn't exactly excite me. Updated On: 12/6/05 at 04:37 PM
