
Proud Member of Actor's Equity- Page 2

Proud Member of Actor's Equity

#25re: Proud Member of Actor's Equity
Posted: 10/23/05 at 11:08pm

Its just like everyone who has been on a Law and Order version
95% of people have.

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

#26re: Proud Member of Actor's Equity
Posted: 10/23/05 at 11:27pm

Yeah, Wexy, didn't Anthony Rapp say something about being glad to have finally been on Law and Order because it felt like he was the only working actor in New York who hadn't? (or something along those lines?)

I don't think its bragging... If that is, then so is putting your credits. And after that, theres not much point except the thanks they put in.

#27re: Proud Member of Actor's Equity
Posted: 10/24/05 at 12:06pm

Didn't AEA really start asking this at the time they were negotiating? They wanted audiences to know that Equity=Broadway and that non-Equity wasn't Broadway. I know I had never seen any mention of AEA in bios until that time.

Thespinoy Profile Photo
#28re: Proud Member of Actor's Equity
Posted: 10/24/05 at 10:00pm

There is an underlying tone in this post that seems to foster the misconception that Equity is this separate elite organization that graciously grants actors with salaries and privilages. In fact Actors' Equity Organization IS THE ACTORS and THE STAGE MANAGERS of the professional stage. All of the officers from President Patrick Quinn to the Counselors are Equity Members and VOLUNTEERS. They don't get a dime from the Union for their work (the only people who get paid in the offices are the staff). Once you join the Union, you too are eligible to participate in all Union activity from sitting on a committee to running for Council. By reinforcing the fact that we are Equity performers, audiences who don't live in New York and come to Broadway to see a show can go home and hopefully differentiate between an Equity tour vs. a non-union tour. Yes, all shows on Broadway employ Equity Actors, but by stating our pride for the Union in our bios, it shows the public that we do not take our Union for granted and we hope the audiences won't take it for granted too.

Mmm, Mmm, I feel sorry for the poor folk that got to pay to see this play. - The Maid from "Bullets Over Broadway."

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#29re: Proud Member of Actor's Equity
Posted: 10/24/05 at 10:11pm

This debate needs to end. Remember, whether you put it or not is a PERSONAL choice.

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher
Updated On: 10/24/05 at 10:11 PM
