J&H Ladies

#25re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:21pm

andrew doesn't stand a chance against the LaChiusian Gestapo.

Hell, Michael Clark Duncan wouldn't stand a chance!

C is for Company
#26re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:35pm

Hmm thats tough, considering I never thought ANYTHING can stop MCD.
Apparently we are a force to be reckoned with my friend, I'd watch my step. If we see you on this or any other neighboring thread, you will rue the day you were born!(get the gist of it? frrrrriend?)
Wickedgeek, that is Vivien Leigh from the Streetcar film, jeez I thought you knew after I loaned you the book re: J&H Ladies lol jk

#27re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:37pm

Well, LaChiusa fans are superior in every way. Intellectually...phys...intellectually...Well...

#28re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:39pm

i am confused! what did i miss???

C is for Company
#29re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:41pm

We heard from reliable sources(aka this thread matter) that you're having some problems with Ms. Rashad over on BSoBW2's avatar. Anything to say in your defense? :p

#30re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:43pm

re: J&H Ladies

#31re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:48pm

C - WHO are you talkin to???!!
i am sooo confused..."i thought he was callin me a coat"

#32re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:52pm

C did you know that Bso's avatar was of andrea rivette as Elphaba when that comment was posted..i liked the one of andrea..the one of phylicha is great too..i just like andrea's more cause it was really funny! LOL!
are we all good now??

#33re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:53pm

Just watch your back, andrew.

C is for Company
#34re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 10:07pm

andrew, we were always fine! A green Emma Carew is never too bad! I heart her, good thing you like phylicia too, you can never be too careful with the Lachiusa fanatics :stares innocently around:

#35re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 10:10pm

LaChiusa fanatics.

Don't you mess my c'mposer
Don't you F*** with him!

twp Updated On: 3/21/06 at 10:10 PM

C is for Company
#36re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 10:21pm

"Don't you mess my party, don't you mess with me- don't you mess with meeeeeeeeeee" God, I love Tonya. haha, I love the Wild Party, I loved it so I read the actual text it is based on, like 110 pages of poem. It was indeed wild.
Anyways, peace be with all my Jekyll ladies' fans here.

#37re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 10:28pm

Yes, the poem is wild.
And Tonya kicks some major ass.

It's a shame they took out all the curses on the CR though!

C is for Company
#38re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 10:31pm

seriously? I was unaware of that. Was it a significant amount that was taken out?

#39re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 10:37pm

Not a significant amount.

Like, during Wild...as I posted, she says, "Don't you mess my party, don't you F*CK with me" and Phil says, "And now I smile, smile, smile. Well F*CK you! F*CK you!" (instead of "Well, screeeeeeeeew you" - which I like, too).

The real crime is taking out BLACK BOTTOM (queenie), NEED (madelaine), WHAT I NEED (queenie), not to mention the extra versus in UPTOWN and MY BEST FRIEND.

I love the extra versus!

Bessie Smith is lusting for
A dish of Dorothy Parker
While Carl Van Vechten, naught boy,
Just wants his chocolate darker!

C is for Company
#40re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 10:41pm

hmm it seems so odd to think of what I hear having been any different in reality and like I'm listening to a cop out version re: J&H Ladies Thats slightly disappointing. Oh well, I will try to allow this thread to regain it's initial meaning and leave quietly! Thanks for the responses

#41re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/22/06 at 2:48am

what is a cop out version?

#42re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/22/06 at 2:49am


#43re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/22/06 at 2:53am

oh..i am down with that sistah...

#44re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/22/06 at 2:59am

I'm sorry, but I can't help but notice that the individual who started this post just joined. Now, it's very possible that they didn't know that Andrea was in fact Andrew, but I think they did. In fact, I would make a safe assumption that Andrea started this thread herself. Just thought I'd bring up my theory. I mean, really, do we need Broadway performers posting and boasting about themselves? It brings shame to the few that do post (anonymously may I add). I'm just trying to comprehend why someone would post about themself on here, really, I find it a bit offputting.

Illegally Blondish Profile Photo
Illegally Blondish
#45re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/22/06 at 3:17am

I can't fathom why anyone would want to share their actual identity on this site. Especially if they're posting about themselves-- it seems like you're opening the door for criticism.

#46re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/22/06 at 3:32am

Anthony Rapp has.
Fredi Walker-Browne has.

JRB has.

Michael John LaChiusa has.

I know I am missing a bunch of people.

Illegally Blondish Profile Photo
Illegally Blondish
#47re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/22/06 at 3:39am

Michael John has never "outted" himself on this site.

Jason never put up any facades. He was real from the get-go.

Those examples are moot.

#48re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/22/06 at 3:42am

No, MJ has used the username "Michael John or MJ Lachiusa" something obvious.

Nevertheless, I don't wanna argue about it.

It's up to a performer...same as it is up to any other poster to post a picture of themself.

Illegally Blondish Profile Photo
Illegally Blondish
#49re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/22/06 at 3:44am

I completely agree with you. It's their prerogative.

I just personally can't understand how they do it.
