J&H Ladies

Holly Therese Profile Photo
Holly Therese
#0J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/20/06 at 7:28pm

Long time lurker, virgin poster here. Just wondering if anyone knows what Coleen Sexton and Andrea Rivette are doing now. I really enjoyed them in Jekyll and Hyde and hope to hear more from these very talented ladies.

"You know, with the right volume, Patti LuPone can make a car bounce, too...." -Wonderwaiter

#1re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/20/06 at 7:31pm

Andrea Rivette is happy and well, currently devastating listeners with her beautiful renditions of new "classics."

Updated On: 3/20/06 at 07:31 PM

#2re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/20/06 at 7:36pm

Coleen's currently touring with Neil Burg and his concert. You can go here:

to get the tour dates and places but most of them are private I believe.
Updated On: 3/20/06 at 07:36 PM

Holly Therese Profile Photo
Holly Therese
#3re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/20/06 at 7:42pm

Thanks you both very much, Born2Shine that is a really great site for her!

"You know, with the right volume, Patti LuPone can make a car bounce, too...." -Wonderwaiter

#4re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/20/06 at 7:49pm

Thanks, glad you like it. I hope you get to see her in something, she's incredible.

C is for Company
#5re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/20/06 at 10:29pm

I adore Coleen Sexton on that dvd, she puts so much youth and vitality into a role that always seems so drab.
Andrea is so classy, watching her leaves me spellbound, what a voice.
I enjoy this dvd more than the cd. Although the vocals set very good standards, watching it live is obviously just so much more gripping. I love this show, I don't care what people say about Wildhorn

Holly Therese Profile Photo
Holly Therese
#6re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/20/06 at 10:51pm

Well said.

"You know, with the right volume, Patti LuPone can make a car bounce, too...." -Wonderwaiter

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#7re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 12:15am

I enjoy Jekyll and Hyde, but i think it needs another revision. Some of the songs just don't make sense in context. (Particularly "Take Me As I Am") Plus, the reprises of "Facade" are silly. Why doesn't Utterson narrate instead of having reprises, like he does in the very beginning and ending of the show? It's strange. However, I do think it's a work with lots of potential, and i'd love to direct it sometime.

#8re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 1:28am

ANOTHER REVISION!! OH GOD HELP US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and andrea rivette appreciates the nice comments that are posted about her, more than you know!

<---------------and LOOK..there they are..Andrea Rivette with Coleen Sexton at Broadway in Bryant Park 2000.

Updated On: 3/21/06 at 01:28 AM

TheatreDiva612 Profile Photo
#9re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 1:40am

aawwww. I love Andrea Rivette. She is my hero.

#10re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 1:51am


zoran912 Profile Photo
#11re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 2:02am

Andrea is devastating listeners? Is that possible? I find her voice to be enchanting. Not devastating.

#12re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 2:40am

Aww they both look so cute!!

#13re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 2:41am

i have one word for YOU...5AM!

i'm with you Zoran...AAAHAHAHAHAH!!! Updated On: 3/21/06 at 02:41 AM

#14re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 3:24am

Andrea is so enchanting it breaks your heart that she isn't kicking ass on BWAY.


Yeah, I said "Coleen."

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#15re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 3:40pm

Screw the standby, she deserves the role.

Besides, I'll do anything to get Eden off that stage! Just kidding, she was okay but really disappointing both times.

Andrea deserved that role!

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#16re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 3:42pm

i don't think Andrea WANTS to play Elphie for 8 shows a week!
BSo...i LOOOOVE the avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahah!!

Updated On: 3/21/06 at 03:42 PM

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#17re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 3:45pm

What are these new classics you are referring to?

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#18re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 6:22pm

andrew - suck up. re: J&H Ladies
Back at ya!

#19re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 8:22pm

well, not THAT avatar..jeez..you are avatar fickle!

#20re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 8:25pm

Oh, do you have a problem with BERNARDA ALBA?

We are gonna fight now!

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#21re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 8:28pm


"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

Blanche Profile Photo
#22re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:16pm

Andrea Rivette is awesome! We need her back on Broadway NOW!

C is for Company
#23re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:20pm

Blanche nice avatar.
I'm with you BsoBW, anyone who has got a problem with Alba has to answer to the LaChiusa gestapo.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#24re: J&H Ladies
Posted: 3/21/06 at 9:21pm

Is that a Streetcar reference?

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird
