
The Pirate Queen: And It Isn't, It Isn't A Glorious Thing- Page 2

The Pirate Queen: And It Isn't, It Isn't A Glorious Thing

Posted: 4/30/07 at 10:07pm


Any defense of Mr. Dale's inability to spell principal performers names correctly in his "review"?


B3TA07 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/30/07 at 10:21pm

The variant spellings are synonymous in this case


Posted: 4/30/07 at 10:35pm

Meaning? It's hard for me to keep up with you, Benny.
Do explain.


Popular Profile Photo
Posted: 4/30/07 at 10:41pm

Ben is basically saying, "Chait, Chiat, Sh*t... what's the difference?"

Isn't Benny sweet?

By the way, I think they corrected the spelling.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/1/07 at 12:23am

Never mind; I misread and thought you were saying he kept misspelling "principals" as "principles."

The unneeded bitchiness was cute, though.


TechEverlasting Profile Photo
#30Let's make this the "Theatre Critic Love Thread"!
Posted: 5/1/07 at 7:06am

TargemQ8 makes a good point. Who are we to be so critical of Mr. Dale's column? It's not easy being a theater critic - they put so much work into getting their reviews ready, and often have no way of knowing how long their reviews will be posted or when they'll get their next writing gig.

I say we should support those who work in the theater, and not be so negative all the time!

Edit: Frankly I think most of the people on this board who spend so much time attacking theater critics are just out of work theater critics themselves. Jealous much guys?

"I have got to have some professional music!" - Big Edie
Updated On: 5/1/07 at 07:06 AM

TargemQ8 Profile Photo
#31Let's make this the 'Theatre Critic Love Thread'!
Posted: 5/1/07 at 2:07pm

"Any defense of Mr. Dale's inability to spell principal performers names correctly in his "review"? "

I know Mr. Dale is a big fan of the misspelled actors' work (before the show, he was telling me what a shame it was I missed Chiat sloshing tequila on a cell-phone wielding audience member during Urban Cowboy), so I'm guessing that the error was due to a spellcheck anomaly. Our editor doesn't have a lot of time to proofread stuff, and things slip through the cracks. We do out best to fix things when we are informed of our technical gaffes.
I also think it this is the first time the words "Theatre Critic Love" have appeared in that order together, ever. Let's make this the 'Theatre Critic Love Thread'!
