
Laura Michelle Kelly as Galadriel (TOTALLY New look)- Page 2

Laura Michelle Kelly as Galadriel (TOTALLY New look)

#25re: Laura Michelle Kelly as Galadriel (TOTALLY New look)
Posted: 5/11/07 at 5:16pm

Does anyone else think she looks like Liv Tyler in the first pic?

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#26re: Laura Michelle Kelly as Galadriel (TOTALLY New look)
Posted: 5/11/07 at 8:07pm

I didn't think of that, but yeah she does a bit. The gal playing Arwen definately has a very similar look to Tyler in the film version. Long black wig, the works.

I'm rather surprised the LOTR musical site hasn't posted a promo pic of Gollum.

WordedGrace Profile Photo
#27re: Laura Michelle Kelly as Galadriel (TOTALLY New look)
Posted: 5/11/07 at 8:10pm

They rewrote the song, "Lothlorien," for the newer production. If you check out the sights and sounds on the lotr website you can hear snippets of it on the circus acts and the 6th video. I think this version is a little better but wow...the guys voices um..that's all I'll say, lol. I don't know about her doing a cirque type routine.. Why would Galadriel be flying? LOL.

I'm not gonna hate you in the magazines, (I'm better than that) I'm not gonna compromise my Christianity, (I'm better than that) You know I'm not gonna diss you on the Internet Cause my momma taught me better than that.

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#28re: Laura Michelle Kelly as Galadriel (TOTALLY New look)
Posted: 5/11/07 at 10:41pm

They rewrote Lothlorien! I heard the new music and assumed it was just a different new song. Lothlorien was the best song/part of that show!

WordedGrace Profile Photo
#29re: Laura Michelle Kelly as Galadriel (TOTALLY New look)
Posted: 5/11/07 at 11:53pm

I'm not sure they changed the song, "Entering Lorien." Because that song and scene was amazing! But, they did rework the song, "Lothlorien," to be less power anthem to more angelic hymn, if that makes sense.

I'm not gonna hate you in the magazines, (I'm better than that) I'm not gonna compromise my Christianity, (I'm better than that) You know I'm not gonna diss you on the Internet Cause my momma taught me better than that.

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#30re: Laura Michelle Kelly as Galadriel (TOTALLY New look)
Posted: 5/12/07 at 8:52pm

That 'power anthem' was phenomenal and one of the best parts of that show!
