
Official FRINGENYC Thread!- Page 3

Official FRINGENYC Thread!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#50re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 12:12am

While the musical wasn't the greatest, I thought both Bailey and Deidre did excellent jobs in their respective roles. I'm glad I saw the show.

#51re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 12:48am

I posted in the other thread, but I thought the show had promise, but it def. needs a lot of work, and the choreography was stupid. It was there when it wasn't really needed.

I'm excited to see some of the other shows though. i'm still glad I saw Vote.

CRS14 Profile Photo
#52re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 9:13am

3 down 3 to go

Was most excited for Vote - but it was the worst of the three I saw on Saturday. Microphones were simply not working, and I was extremely bored the whole 2nd half of the show. The only performer I truly enjoyed was Morgan Karr who was fantastic.

I Can Has Cheezburger was exactly what you'd expect. Got a lot of laughs from the audience and had some decent musical numbers as well. The guy who played Rus and the female lead were both outstanding.

Capped the night off with Hint, which was easily the best of the three. Extremely entertaining and goofy, with some serious moments as well. SPOILER: Loved the small twist at the ending involving one of the deaths.

Coming up: Citizen Ruth, Baby Wants Candy, and Camp Wanatachi

At least you're not alone - your friends are there too.

#53re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 11:31am

Stupid question, but Camp Wanatachi isn't written and directed by the Natalie Weiss we all know, right?

MidwestBelter Profile Photo
#54re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 12:26pm

Here's what I've seen so far-Vote was very very rough but I thought Morgan Kerr's voice was UNBELIEVABLE!! The poor guy had a questionable character to work on and he definitely committed. Some of the songs though-Paper Tigers and Paper Planes...storms in a teacup-WTF?!?! Pretty awful. Just really really awful.

I also saw Hint in the same day and thank God I did! It was really hysterical! Granted, there is room for development, but it exceeded all of my expectations! It's cheesy, smart, funny, and the cast COMPLETELY commits! I definitely agree with the person who said the standouts were Patti Perkins, Susan J Jacks, and Bonnie Milligan. I would also include Krista Kurtzberg in that list too. I can definitely see this going somewhere after the Fringe. The songs are great and the cast is even greater! I would definitely call this a must see! You will enjoy yourself immensely!

I'm hesitatingly going to see I Can Has Cheezburger this week-makes me cringe at the thought of it (I mean the title alone!)---but I'll give it a shot.

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#55re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 12:58pm

"storms in a teacup-WTF?!?!"
Um, have you heard of a metaphor? Go look it up, it makes total sense.

I saw Vote! at it's first performance. The sound system was off, so I'll disregard that. Bailey was hit and miss, I loved her at some parts but then other times she was way off. I was TOTALLY surprised by Morgan Karr. PHENOM voice and his acting was DEAD ON! Another outstanding performance was Deidre. Holy crap. She was AMAZING! The material for Vote! is very good, some of the performances though did not uphold it. Also, the choreography was very odd and should be redone. I agree with everyone, it has a lot of potential, and I think that a lot of it lies with the cast.

#56re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 2:11pm

I saw Vote! last night and thought it was HORRIBLE!!!! Hated the music, the lyrics were LAME ("am I chasing paper tigers or paper airplanes"...seriously??), the plot was in my opinion just plain boring and most of the jokes fell flat, it was just painful. I also thought most of the acting and singing was awful, lots of tone deaf people screeching out numbers. I enjoyed Deidre Goodwin's (Ms. Fowler) performance, but she just seemed like too good an actress and singer to be in such a hot mess. I'm going to see two other fringe musicals and I'm really scared that they're going to be just as bad. Here's hoping for the best.
I enjoyed Complete, though. It's a really well written play, smart, witty, compelling without being too obvious. Just the kind of theater I like. The only flaw was that some actors forgot their lines a few times, I imagine it was opening night jitters. Nevertheless, it didn't bother me that much. I thought they were amazing actors, just wonderful characterizations and they were really engaging. I haven't seen such a good play in a while. I truly recommend it!

SingingCats Profile Photo
#57re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 2:40pm

Saw 'The Green Manifesto' at Minetta Lane yesterday. It's a simple little love story, but with really well written music and witty 'NYC-esque' references.

MidwestBelter Profile Photo
#58re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 4:33pm

No, I get the metaphor...it's an awful song. It just is. I'm sorry. The material is not brilliant by any means-I don't think I'd be as harsh if the show didn't have so much hype behind it....it is by no means ready for anything short of a high school tour.

#59re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 5:06pm

Saw HINT and VOTE! I actually enjoyed both.

HINT was is some good silly summer fun. A very classic feeling spoofy show that definitely lives up to what the essence of the Fringe Festival should be. Certainly not life-changing but felt like a nicely done piece of theater.
Bonnie Milligan was wonderful and the flaky Krista Kurtzburg stole the show for me.

I definitely don't have quite as strong feelings on VOTE! as the rest of you (on either side; loved or hated). To be honest I'm glad I didn't read anything about it before because it was nice to sit there and enjoy it without all the hype or rants in my head.
I can't help feeling the writing was a little first draftish but I think they've got a show in there. I'm a sucker for some creatively packaged political commentary. Lagged a bit in the middle. I'll echo the sound problems!! Eeesh I hope someone from the show's reading this.
Great performances from Diedre Goodwin as the teacher and the huge voiced Nina Sturtz as the best friend.

It seemed very well produced and a nice package so I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of the shows this year to have some kind of future, but hopefully not without a little retooling.

#60re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 5:47pm

"The material for Vote! is very good, some of the performances though did not uphold it. Also, the choreography was very odd and should be redone. I agree with everyone, it has a lot of potential, and I think that a lot of it lies with the cast."

Very good? What show did you see? The material is mediocre at best. It sounded like watered down Pasek and Paul, and the story line was so freaking boring. They need to actually inject the piece with a little drama to make it interesting. And yes, storms in a teacup is a very stupid metaphor. It might make sense, but who in their right mind says that? Also, during the song with Karr and the best friend girl, she keeps referring to him as 'baby,' which just seemed very out of character for her. She's a tomboy, she wouldn't be saying "hey baby."

kryst22 Profile Photo
#61re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 5:52pm

I was at the first preview for "The Marriage Play", and definitely enjoyed it. The show had to stop once for microphone issues, but the rest of the show went off without a hitch. The entire cast shined, and the audience seemed to be enjoying it as well. Hopefully it gets good press with its opening night performance.

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#62re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 10:39pm

Saw Dolls and Citizen Ruth tonight.

Dolls is a 70 minute one man show. Worth a visit.

Citizen Ruth is awesome. It is this year's Urinetown or Silence: The Musical. It's a really strong twelve piece ensemble (with Annie Golden...who knew?) plus live band and witty writing and excellent music.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

#63re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 10:45pm

I saw Citizen Ruth tonight on a whim as well, and I LOVED it. It was so well written and the songs were very melodic and catchy. I think with a few tweaks and whatnot, it could really work. And Garrett Long (I believe that's her name) played such a believable character that it astounds me that she's the understudy for Nellie in "South Pacific." Go see it! It seemed almost - if not - sold-out tonight!

IheartJ-TAGS Profile Photo
#64re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 11:46pm

Has anyone heard anything about Far Out? Just wondering. I think it opens this week.

EugLoven Profile Photo
#65re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/17/09 at 11:52pm

Rarely do I get exclamatory (who, me?) but my gawd! I just returned from Opening Night of A CONTEMPORARY AMERICANS GUIDE TO A SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE (c) 1959 and am just floored. Absolutely floored at its incredible-ness!

Should truly be a heavy contender for Best in Fest. And must must MUST have legs outside FringeNYC. It would have a very healthy life off-Bway!



All around a perfect piece. I will try my best to break it down further:

To begin, the script is superb. Written by Robert Bastron. Real, logical, emotional, hilarious, precise, forgiving and unforgivable! A fantastic look into what romance, intimacy and success means in a marriage. Not just a comedy, but a comedy with incredible heart and far-reaching powerful arc.

Next, the direction is sublime (Adam Fitzgerald). With only 3 weeks of rehearsal, the production is as tight and professional as a full-fledge Bway show! Unbelievable cast, flawless staging and scene fluidity. Highly functional set and lighting. And truly honest storytelling.

But above all else, the cast is perfect. Utterly perfect. Such a fine fine fine group of exceptionally skilled actors. In a nutshell, we have 2 families representing 2 vastly different marriages in the late 1950s/early 1960s. What does it mean to be in-love? To raise a family? To follow your dreams? To be a loyal husband? Obedient wife?

To be fair, each and every player was perfectly cast and 100% authentic. There isnt a bad egg in the bunch. Strong, supportive and on top of their craft. To shine the spotlight on just one isnt fair.

But I must underscore the staggering talent of Autumn Hurlbert. You may know her face/name from MTVs Legally Blonde reality casting show. FORGET THAT! Seriously, wipe the slate clean. This girl is a star. I cannot wait to see her in something else. The NYC Off-Bway stage is hers. What a presence. What a staggering staggering utterly beautiful, tragic and riotously hilarious presence. Her representation of Abby is beyond description. She had the audience in her hand from the first second and with each emotional-dripping moment, we were Ooo-ing and sighing. What a surprise amazement!

But how can we ignore the absolute impressiveness of the rest of the cast!? AJ Shively (who was a last-minute replacement and aced his role within 11 days) as profoundly likable Danny; Lee Aaron Rosen as heartbreakingly flawed Mason; Meredith Forlenza as ruthless Ruth! Plus the bit-players as committed as the leads!

Semi-Spoiler: Each moment with Miranda Jackel (playing the 7 year-old Evelyn) was insane! Just insane!!!


Big congratulations to Bway familiar-faces Sean Bradford and Adam Kantor (producers) for harnessing this gem of a show! Updated On: 8/18/09 at 11:52 PM

#66re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/18/09 at 12:10am

I wish they had gotten better times though. It seems like they're only showing right in the afternoon, and some of us day jobs!

EugLoven Profile Photo
#67re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/18/09 at 12:13am

True story, RentBoy. (Prob why tonight was sold-out). Heres hoping they get the Sunday 8/30 encore!

#68re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/18/09 at 12:15am

Fingers crossed for the encore!

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

#69re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/18/09 at 12:31am

i have no words to describe how ABSOLUTELY BREATH TAKINGLY WONDERFUL "a contemporary american's guide to a successful marriage" was tonight. i knoew it would be GOOD, but it was AMAZING.
you CANNOT miss this show. euglove is sooooooo right on.... the show is PERFECTIONS.
and autumn hurlbert is a S.T.A.R. seriously un-freaking-believable. she is one of the best actresses i have seen in a long time, i am not even joking. goo see it for her. and actually, a.j. shively, lee aaron rosen and merdith forlenza are AMAZING. monica west is HILARIOUS and the little girl... ADORABLE. everyone is so great.
seriously, call in sick from work and everybody tell your friends so that it gets extended!!!!

#70re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/18/09 at 12:39am

I'm pretty sure with this much good feedback, and a few sold-out shows, it will def. get some sort of life after Fringe.

After Eight
#71re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/18/09 at 7:24am

I wonder why a show like "How Now, Dow Jones" is presented at the Fringe festival.

It was a mildly amusing, middling musical in its original version, and so it remains in this compressed version. Frankly, I preferred the original. I especially didn't like the fact that "Step to the Rear" was relegated to the end. It gives the show a lift when performed in the middle of the show, as intended.

I guess it's good that it gives people who missed the original a chance to see it. It was also done [better] a couple of years ago at the Musicals in Mufti.

#72re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/18/09 at 11:03am

I think I'm going to see "How Now Dow Jones" this week, but I noticed there was a sign that said it wasn't a Fringe show but rather an AEA Showcase? Does that mean I can't just pay the $15 at the door or what?

#73re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/18/09 at 11:25am

Some shows playing at the Fringe include members of Actors Equity, and they are considered Equity show cases in addition to fringe shows. Some shows playing at the fringe have actors or performers who are not members of Equity. If the sign outside says that the show is an Equity Showcase, Equity members can see the show for free, provided their Equity card is current, and there are tickets available after all $15.00 seat buyers have been accomodated.

#74re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
Posted: 8/18/09 at 11:55am

Has anyone heard anything good/bad about Camp Wanatachi?
