
America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread- Page 3

America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

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#50America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced B
Posted: 2/14/11 at 10:50am

She was fine in the role. I had no complaints about her rendition. In fact, I think she has nerve, hanging from all heights in the Foxmoor.

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#51America Olivio Let's On That Spider-Man Isn't The Best Thing Since Sliced B
Posted: 2/14/11 at 12:09pm

"Saying "we did a focus group!" won't sell anymore tickets, and means nothing to the average audience member."

I never said it would. You certainly like to make up things, don't you?

The average audience member is also going to fall for the 'pull quotes. That's not my point.

I was just meant that the focus groups are pointless if they can’t watch the entire show, but I’m sure when the real ‘opening night’ reviews come out, Ms. Taymor will try and use the ‘Well, we did a focus group” excuse at some point.

She’s been very good at changing the subject with this show.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2
