
Tweet it! "GODSPELL" Hosts Broadway's First-Ever "Tweet Seat" Performance- Page 3

Tweet it! "GODSPELL" Hosts Broadway's First-Ever "Tweet Seat" Performance

#50 Tweet it!
Posted: 2/20/12 at 10:46pm

Thanks AGermano!!

Dramamama611: It is correct that we all enjoy the show, otherwise we would not have signed up to be part of the event. If you want to call it biased advertisement, then ok. It's still positive advertisement for the show.

And the cast didn't say it was "fine" (your use of quotations here seems to be off - I don't know where you heard that they used that word) they thanked us for doing it and were incredibly friendly to all of us. I don't think they were grumbling. You can be sure of private grumbling, but you didn't interact with them, I (and the other Tweetseaters) did, so I'd probably have a better gage on that.

Anakela: The comparison of tweeting during theater show or during a TV show was in response to someone saying that Tweeting during any kind of show was wrong. So they were wondering if that person had a probably with people tweeting while watching a TV show.

Somethingwicked: For it being against the law: I'm sure this event would have been shut down far before last night if they had not gone through the proper legal procedures to allow it.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#51 Tweet it!
Posted: 2/20/12 at 11:04pm

I never said they weren't friendly. My use of quotations was just a summation -- not implying a direct quote.

Why are you being so defensive? No one is attacking you or your ideas...just what we think is a smack in the face of live theater. Of COURSE the actors said that -- they were asked to. No one is suggesting you shouldn't have enjoyed the experience or the show.

No, it would not have been 'shut down' in advance. The NYPD has much more important things to do, if the management/equity doesn't call them, nothing will happen -- and that poster didn't imply that anything would -- just that it broke the law OFFICIALLY.

Discussion implies varying opinions.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#52 Tweet it!
Posted: 2/20/12 at 11:23pm

I didn't say you suggested they were unfriendly. I was just expressing my experience considering it was one on one versus one on computer. And alright about the quotes.

I'm being defensive because people are making definitive statements about the experience without ever experiencing it. They may not be attacking me, but people have said that there is no way for someone to fully enjoy or experience the show while live tweeting. I am just responding to say that they are incorrect because I know for a fact that you can considering I did.

Alright. I can see your point there about the police not being notified. But I will say that people who drive 36MPH in a 35MPH zone are OFFICIALLY breaking the law too.

I understand that people have varying opinions, and you are certainly welcome to think whatever you want. What I don't think is right are people making proclamations on what it is like to have an experience without ever actually having that experience before.

#53 Tweet it!
Posted: 2/21/12 at 2:17pm

A cheap publicity move at best, for a show that appears to be floundering. At worst, just another excuse for self centered, self entitled, rude pigs who think everything that they say, do and think is the utmost.

If they cant wait until they leave the theatre to report on the goings on, then stay home. Same as with people who need to fill their faces with food and drink during the show. Think of other people instead of yourselves for a change. Unlike what your parents may have told you, you are not special
