New York Times

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#50New York Times
Posted: 7/15/13 at 12:40am

"Headband, I'm in academia.

Believe me, none of these people are starving. Most of them live in the Hills of Beverly while I'm stuck here in the flats, BABY!!!"

Based on the way you write, I can only hope your involvement in academia is limited to maintenance and facilities.

lovebwy Profile Photo
#51New York Times
Posted: 7/15/13 at 12:54am

Now you be nice, Fisherman Bob!

#52New York Times
Posted: 7/15/13 at 8:32am

just for the record: no bootlegs here, either.

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

Liza's Headband
#53New York Times
Posted: 7/15/13 at 9:20am

Instead of answering questions, I guess it's easier for you to throw out snarky quips.

#54New York Times
Posted: 7/15/13 at 5:13pm

I don't.

How about you? Do you think it's ok to own bootlegs? Pirate TV shows, movies, music? Other people's work in general?

Or did you just come here to denigrate those of us who take exception to thievery?

Nowhere did I ever mention that it was ok to own bootlegs or otherwise violate copyright law. The OP's question did not necessarily ask for anything illegal. As has been pointed out, the NY Times has a few methods of acquiring its content without the paid subscription, all of which is legal. The reaction of the people on this board, particularly from those who deem themselves to be at such a saintly level of righteousness, was beyond counter-productive and unecessary.

#55New York Times
Posted: 7/15/13 at 9:39pm

In answer to the original question, to be honest I just find another source to read it. Example (what many may not know) is if there is an article title, simply just google the titled and you should be able to find the article in full on a third party website.
