Broadway Show Bloopers

JLfrom NYC
#75re: Broadway Show Bloopers JCS
Posted: 9/26/04 at 6:01am

My all time favorite: two weeks ago (I think it was 2 weeks ago now) Joey McIntire like, forgot to come back onstage for the scene preceeding "One Short Day." He thought it was intermission and didn't come on at ALL. He had literally changed into his second act costume and gone to his dressing room. Idina Menzel and JLT had to adlib the entire scene (I think Idina started to do a two-step, and then babbled nonsense about missing her train,) and JLT had to go backstage and literally get him.

Other WICKED screw-ups not mentioned (and I promise you I don't know these because I've paid to see the show 1200 times, I promise, really--That would be scary): Taye Diggs (when he was on as Fiyero) throwing the broom so hard it went over Idina's head, over the heads of the guards, and to the other side of the stage. Everyone started laughing and broke character, and apparently the actors decided to start the scene over, which didn't help the laughing.

Norbert swinging in on a rope after "Witch Fight" and falling on his ass. His next line: "That was SMOOOOTTTH."

Chrisopher Fitzgerald falling down the scaffolding stairs.

Kristin Chenoweth falling down the scaffolding stairs... and the Kiamo Ko stairs.

Idina's mic going out during a key moment in "Defy Gravity."

The lift breaking during a key moment in "Defy Gravity."

Carole Shelley starting the tornado without any sound effects, hense--no tornado.

Kristin's ad-lib post-Tony awards about her mirror looking like a TONY award, which made Idina both laugh and cry. Kristin has also forgotten entire verses of POPULAR and broken her training wand in half.

Jennifer Laura Thompson falling completely forward in the big Glinda dress.

Jennifer Laura Thompson falling completely forward during POPULAR.

Kristin Chenoweth beaning herself in the head with her own wand during "Witch Fight" and knocking both her wig and crown sideways. She's also thrown the wand into the tracks of the stage before by accident(which makes it hard to get back out!)

George Hearn forgetting the entire second half of WONDERFUL. Also, most of his lines, too. I didn't think that was humanly possible (to forget the wizard's two abysmal lines in the show) but apparently it is.

The bed (upon which Elphaba is born) not turning around properly so that Elphaba's "birth" is visible for the audience. This pretty much kills the next line: "So you see, it could not have been easy."

Anything that happened on July 18th. And also, for that matter, the few days before. Chenoweth would pull out a nail file from her cleavage and file her nails during the entrance applause. Which is not necessarily a blooper but an ad-lib...

Kristin Chenoweth forgetting her lines: "Let the little girl go. Her and her little dog, To-to. I mean, uh.... Do-do. I mean To-To. I mean.... I don't know what I mean. What was I saying?"

"I don't know what I'm supposed to say here. I get monday off and I forget everything."

#76re: Broadway Show Bloopers JCS
Posted: 9/26/04 at 7:30am

And one more of London's CHICAGO: in the final scene where Roxie and Velma are thanking the audience, Roxie (can't remember the actress' name, she was an understudy) she forgot her line 'And God bless you!'. There was a short silence and then Velma quickly said it and then they both started 'God Bless You!' routine to audience and Velma turned to Roxie and said 'And God bless YOU!!' with a cheeky grin. I don't think many people even noticed anything.

Mamie Profile Photo
#77re: Broadway Show Bloopers JCS
Posted: 9/26/04 at 9:28am

In Kiss Me Kate, Carolee was singing "I Hate Men". During that song, she sees some guys peeking through a door and she grabs a tankard and throws it at them. This thing is supposed to go through the door just before the guys shut it. One of those guys catches the tankard, the door opens quickly and he throws it back at her and they slam the door again.

This one performance she threw the thing so hard that the guys on the other side missed catching it and it flew off into the dark in the wings. Somebody back there went looking for it and by the time they'd found it, she had just gone on with the song and stopped looking for it to be hurled back. Then suddenly the door opened and the tankard came flying out. She wasn't expecting it and so failed to catch it. It flew clear across the stage and ended up in some guy's lap in the first row on the side orchestra. She was laughing hysterically - along with the rest of the audience - and this guy didn't miss a beat. He just hurled that thing right back at her! That song was funny anyway, but that day it was just hysterical.
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03
