
CHARLES BUSCH Interview on DC Theatre Scene

CHARLES BUSCH Interview on DC Theatre Scene

#1CHARLES BUSCH Interview on DC Theatre Scene
Posted: 9/12/09 at 10:56am

I've been a fan of Charles Busch since I first read his hysterical Vampire Lesbians of Sodom many, many, many vampires ago. I have schlepped to NYC many times to see Charles perform in and out of gorgeous dresses and makeup. He's done it all - director, screenwriter, novelist, performer, and drag legend. We are so fortunate that he will be here next Friday to open Ganymede Arts' 3rd Annual GBLT Fall Arts Festival. So head over to Miss Pixie's Backroom, and see Charles and Julie Halston's extravaganza.

Joel Markowitz Interview of Charles Busch

#2re: CHARLES BUSCH Interview on DC Theatre Scene
Posted: 9/13/09 at 8:28am

Really funny interview! Where do I buy tickets? Any left?
