Skeet Ulrich on Broadway?

#1Skeet Ulrich on Broadway?
Posted: 1/12/11 at 11:04pm

has anyone heard anything?

someone on some site said hes going to be in an off broadway show
Updated On: 1/12/11 at 11:04 PM

jim Profile Photo
#2Skeet Ulrich on Broadway?
Posted: 1/13/11 at 12:07pm

Don't know about a play but I read on line that he has been let go from LAW &ORDER: Los Angeles.

madbrian Profile Photo
#2Skeet Ulrich on Broadway?
Posted: 1/13/11 at 12:13pm

I saw him on NBC's coverage of some New Year's Day know, one of those "hey look, one of the stars from one of our network's shows just happens to be here" moments. He looked about as uncomftable as a human could look, seemed like he'd rather be just about anywhere else on the planet at that moment.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson
