
When people get the song title wrong- Page 2

When people get the song title wrong

kyleorlando Profile Photo
#25When people get the song title wrong
Posted: 4/27/11 at 7:27am

Michel Reidel gets a song title wrong in his column today. Of all people, shouldn't he know better?
NYPost - Michael Riedel get the song title wrong.

Current Avatar: Me.
Current Saying: What do you mean it isn't enough being pretty? Have you seen my headshots?!?

gschuber Profile Photo
#26When people get the song title wrong
Posted: 4/27/11 at 11:50am

I was on a gay cruise last year and they had a "Broadway Trivia" contest where they played a clip of a song from a Broadway show and we had to name the song, show and performer. Everything was going fine until they played a clip from "The Way We Were". All the show queens were quite puzzled. Was that song in a show? Maybe it was in a flop jukebox musical? No one thought that Streisand was in a show on Broadway singing that song. When the judge announced the answers, he said the song was from the musical "Memories", the song was called "Memories" and the singer was Streisand. There was almost a riot. At least the singer was identified correctly.

#27When people get the song title wrong
Posted: 4/27/11 at 2:40pm

In regards to my previous post about people getting show titles wrong...

A co-worker who fancies herself a theatre maven referred to "Born Yesterday" as "The Judy Holliday Story."
