
Need Help with research project!

Need Help with research project!

#1Need Help with research project!
Posted: 5/7/11 at 6:19pm

Hello all,I could really use some help with a research paper. I am doing my research paper on Broadway vs. West End. I am asking anyone that can help post their experience in the West End vs. Broadway....including the difference between theatres, performance quality, preferance between the shows, (if you have seen the same show in both the West End and Broadway please list some quality differences), The pricing difference, attire worn to the theatre. Thank you in advance to all who respond!!!!

#2Need Help with research project!
Posted: 5/7/11 at 6:23pm

You might find something you need in this article. I remember Marin talking about the differences in the Broadway version of KISS ME KATE and the West End version. Hope it helps.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Mr. Wonderful
#2Need Help with research project!
Posted: 5/8/11 at 9:51am

In a West End theatre, you can order a drink at the bar before the show and it will be waiting for you at the interval. Also, they sell ice cream in the aisles during the interval.

#3Need Help with research project!
Posted: 5/8/11 at 12:00pm

and I'm guessing they call intermission, interval.
