Original Company Curtain Call

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#1Original Company Curtain Call
Posted: 9/30/12 at 1:29am

I have read several times that the original Broadway production of Company had some sort of brilliantly staged curtain call. Can anyone explain to me what made it so special?

#2Original Company Curtain Call
Posted: 9/30/12 at 11:56am

At least based on the archival taping of the national tour, the bows were a reprise of the opening number as well as their choreography. Nothing ground breaking by today's standards at least--perhaps that was not often done then?

HistoryBoy2 Profile Photo
#2Original Company Curtain Call
Posted: 9/30/12 at 4:12pm

As far as I've read, the choreography was such that Bobby was left stranded on one side of the curtain and the rest of the cast on the other, to continue his alienation from them. Not really sure how that works with Being Alive, however.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#3Original Company Curtain Call
Posted: 9/30/12 at 7:49pm

Jerry Herman musicals reprised entire medleys during curtain calls in the mid-1960s, so I have trouble imagining that anyone would call the reprise of "Company" "ground-breaking". I honestly don't recall after 40 years, but I would assume they did something with the elevator.

Updated On: 9/30/12 at 07:49 PM

#4Original Company Curtain Call
Posted: 9/30/12 at 8:11pm

Elaine Stritch did the curtain call in the nude singing "Side By Side"

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