
Jason Gould acted in play by author of Streisand-skewering "Buyer and Cellar"

Jason Gould acted in play by author of Streisand-skewering "Buyer and Cellar"

#2Jason Gould acted in play by author of Streisand-skewering
Posted: 4/6/13 at 1:44am

"though Barry’s dissection of “The Mirror Has Two Faces” is savagely on target."

I read this in the Times review...I doubt I'll get to see the play. Can someone spoil it? What does he say?

#2Jason Gould acted in play by author of Streisand-skewering
Posted: 4/6/13 at 1:45am

It does make me wonder if Barbra might have aborted Jason if there had been an in utero genetic test that revealed her fetus would be gay?

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#3Jason Gould acted in play by author of Streisand-skewering
Posted: 4/6/13 at 1:47am

Barbra was still using the word "faggot" in 1984---sad.
poor Jason
