
Support and Love Thread!!!- Page 2

Support and Love Thread!!!

jv92 Profile Photo
#25Support and Love Thread!!!
Posted: 3/11/16 at 9:32pm

Look, bitchery and "snarkiness" has been going around a long time in this business. It was going on in the "Golden Age" as much as it goes on now. The internet makes it more uncomfortable for everyone, and that's unfortunate. And a reality we have to face. If all of us at BWW can make it a deal-able reality without being total pricks, I'm all for it.  If we can be honest (and witty, of course. Wit, always.) without being awful, I'm all for it. I see where Patti Murin is coming from, but I don't applaud her wholeheartedly, if at all. That's all I'll say about that. 


And again, we're a bunch of anonymous schmos (No offense, anyone). I think Michael Riedel is far more destructive than any of us. His ilk ought to be more of a concern than any one of us. 


Anyway, this may or may not be my last post on here because, as Craig mentioned, this is becoming "much ado about nothing", and this whole thing is just ridiculous on the part of some of us, and on the part of the performers who seems to have really thin skin these days. Yes, it's a tough business. Yes, we've all faced rejection in some walk of life, be it in show business or bean counting. Yes, it sucks big time. And yes-- Bring back Merman and Stritch! They had real balls! 


Anyway...goodbye for now. I'm tired of this sh*t. 

Craig Profile Photo
#26Support and Love Thread!!!
Posted: 3/11/16 at 9:45pm

JM226 said: "also... WHO is the arbiter of what is respectful, what is rude, etc.  if you have an army of moderators scouring the message board, doesn't it become a subjective practice???  what is the definition of light snark vs. ugly snark on here??? rob should provide a detailed guide and handbook if he wants to keep people coming here who, in turn, provide more traffic to his website, which profits off that from advertisers. he needs discussion both good and bad, both nice and ugly. "

Most of the time common sense should prevail, no?  If you have to ask if you're being too much of an ass, it's likely you are.  Whether it's in public, or on a forum.


"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

#27Support and Love Thread!!!
Posted: 3/11/16 at 10:19pm

Craig said: "Most of the time common sense should prevail, no?  If you have to ask if you're being too much of an ass, it's likely you are.  Whether it's in public, or on a forum."


everything is not black and white. life and words and opinions are more nauanced than that. 

#28Support and Love Thread!!!
Posted: 3/11/16 at 10:25pm

"rob should provide a detailed guide and handbook"


He has. It's called the Rules, and while they weren't always as easy to access, to my knowledge, they haven't changed in a decade.


They have been very loosely enforced for a long time, but it starts like this:


Please post with courtesy (and common sense) - no use of profanity, obscenities, or name calling. 

No personal attacks 


There are posters who have been breaking these rules on a daily basis for years, and I'm hoping that is going to change.


"You aren't "entitled" to post here."


Exacctly. This board is provided to us, free of charge. If you aren't willing to abide by some really simple and reasonable rules, there's always Datalounge.