
1 day in nyc. Waitress or Great Comet?

1 day in nyc. Waitress or Great Comet?

#11 day in nyc. Waitress or Great Comet?
Posted: 11/18/16 at 2:54pm

#21 day in nyc. Waitress or Great Comet?
Posted: 11/18/16 at 2:58pm

It depends on what you're looking for, but I'd definitely go with Great Comet. Plus, Waitress is going to tour and you'll probably have another chance to catch it. With Great Comet, I can't imagine that will be happening. 

Updated On: 11/18/16 at 02:58 PM

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#31 day in nyc. Waitress or Great Comet?
Posted: 11/18/16 at 2:59pm

If you're equally interested in both, Great Comet is not an experience that you could replicate on the road. As great as some of the performances are in Waitress... I'd imagine the touring cast will probably be fairly lovely too. 

Jesus saves. I spend.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#41 day in nyc. Waitress or Great Comet?
Posted: 11/18/16 at 3:10pm

Great Comet. No contest.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

little_sally Profile Photo
#51 day in nyc. Waitress or Great Comet?
Posted: 11/18/16 at 3:11pm

Without a doubt, Great Comet.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#61 day in nyc. Waitress or Great Comet?
Posted: 11/18/16 at 4:25pm

Thanks everyone for your input!  Great comet it will be!  I will catch Waitress next year hopefully!
